2015 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2015

Now Showing – The Glebe Society on YouTube

Posted on 23rd December 2015

The Glebe Society’s channel has been launched on YouTube. If you have any videos that we could upload, any suggestions of videos to add to to our playlists, or audio material or photos that could be compiled into slideshow videos, do let us know.

NSW Government Runs Rampant with Changes to Planning & Local Government

Posted on 26th November 2015

Having failed to secure the passage of their Planning Bill, the State Government has continued its efforts to achieve the same result by introducing changes to existing legislation.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee – November 2015

Posted on 26th November 2015

Award for Judy Christie, the successful tenderers for the refurbishment of John Street Reserve and working bees continue in seven pocket parks.

Remembrance Day 2015

Posted on 26th November 2015

About 50 people stood in soft and misty rain at the Glebe Diggers Memorial on Wednesday 11 November. Glebe Society President Ted McKeown urged us to remember: Not just ‘The War to End All Wars’, but the lesson never having been learned, those subsequent Wars as well. To remember those who lost their lives, and those whose lives were blighted by physical and psychological injury. To reflect on the endurance and stoicism of those bereft and left to carry on.

Bidura, 357 Glebe Point Road, Plan on Exhibition

Posted on 26th November 2015

On exhibition until 4 December is the Stage 1 envelope and concept plan for this prominent site.

Work Commencing on Open Space at Harold Park

Posted on 26th November 2015

Council has accepted the recommended tender for the construction of new open space at Harold Park. Work is due to commence in November this year and finish in November 2016.

Raffle Tickets for NYE party 2015

Raffle Tickets for NYE party 2015

Posted on 22nd November 2015

Raffle Tickets are now available from the Glebe Society, to be drawn at the Glebe Society Christmas Party on Thursday 3rd December.  The prizes are: 2 x tickets to the Lord Mayor’s NYE Party at the Opera House.  Tickets to this event cannot be bought anywhere, but can be won in this raffle. Box of […]

Glebe Society’s WW1 Exhibition a Great Success

Posted on 2nd November 2015

“A lovely, humane, sensitive, considered and considerate, beautiful and moving exhibition!”

Glebe Society Anzac Centenary Lecture: “The War Memorial Movement”

Posted on 25th October 2015

The Society’s Anzac Centenary Lecture was organised to complement the theme of its Anzac Centenary Program exhibition Sacrifice, Struggle and Sorrow shown in the Southern Hall at Glebe Town Hall, October 7-23, 2015. The lecture was delivered by Professor Paul Ashton on Tuesday October 13.

NBN in Glebe – an Update

Posted on 2nd November 2015

NBN Co finally released its latest rollout plan last month (16 October) and it is now planned for construction work to commence (or resume) in Glebe in mid 2018.

The Sunset Soirée for Centipede

Posted on 2nd November 2015

Friends of Centipede catered for over 80 people at the Glebe Rowing Club premises on Friday 9 October at their annual fundraiser for Centipede.

Past life in Greek Street, Glebe

Past life in Greek Street, Glebe

Posted on 26th October 2015

Greek Street, Glebe, is at the rear of the Broadway Shopping Centre, the same street that the Church of Scientology is now located.  Prof. Sybil Jack, a member of the Glebe Society, has written an interesting article about the history of the street.  Click_here to read the article.

Glebe’s Spring Bird Survey

Posted on 2nd November 2015

The Society’s third annual spring bird survey was held on Sunday 27 September, an overcast morning.

What is Centipede and Why Do We Support It?

Posted on 25th September 2015

Centipede at Glebe Public School Inc. is a community based, charitable foundation / service organisation that has been providing before and after school care for students at the Glebe Primary School since 1989. The care that Centipede provides includes meals, ie breakfast and dinner, and social development opportunities to local Glebe Public Primary School children.

Call for Submissions on EIS for WestConnex

Call for Submissions on EIS for WestConnex

Posted on 25th October 2015

The WestConnex M4 East Environmental Impact Statement [“EIS”] is currently on public exhibition until 2 November and I urge you to make a submission. Every EIS submission opposing this project could make a difference. We’ve made it easy – it will only take you a few minutes to add your details and a personalised message.  […]

A Photo Essay: Exterior Decorative Wall Tiles

Posted on 25th September 2015

Anne Owens, a member of the Heritage Subcommittee, has been out with her camera exploring the wonderful array of exterior decorative wall tiles which adorn our Glebe houses.

Bays & Foreshores Report to the Glebe Society AGM 2015

Bays & Foreshores Report to the Glebe Society AGM 2015

Posted on 25th September 2015

The community campaign to defend the public interest in the State Government’s huge Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project was the major ongoing Bays and Foreshores issue this year. We have continued to work with other residents’ groups and both the City of Sydney and Leichhardt councils to influence this important project.

President’s Report to the 2015 AGM

Posted on 25th September 2015

During the year, we have been treated to an extraordinary amount of ‘consultation’, particular by UrbanGrowth NSW in relation to the Bays Precinct. But the substance has been entirely lacking.
I take this opportunity of wishing everyone well for the coming year. May it not be so busy.

Vale Kevin Cook, First Indigenous Head of Tranby College

Posted on 29th August 2015

Saturday 25 July 2015 was a sad day. Kevin Cook, the first Indigenous head of Tranby Aboriginal College in Glebe, had died. He is much missed, a friend, comrade and inspiration.

The Late Les McMahon – A Good Friend to the Glebe Society

Posted on 29th August 2015

Les McMahon, who died in January this year, was a Glebe boy, born and bred. With his passing, the Society has lost a foundation supporter and a firm friend.

The Naming of Dave Sands Lane

Posted on 29th August 2015

The opening of Dave Sands Lane that took place on Sunday 26 July. The lane, which is at the rear of 17-31 Phillip St, is the third lane that the Society has had a hand in naming, with Bernard Lane and Melina Lane preceding this one. The lane was officially opened by Robyn Kemmis, Deputy Lord Mayor. Below is an extract from Robyn’s speech:

Planning Report (September 2015)

Posted on 29th August 2015

Glebe Affordable Housing site, Cowper St, Harold Park Consultation and Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Rd

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Posted on 29th August 2015

A number of community issues in which the Glebe Society has been engaged have occurred over the past year in Glebe.

Communications Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-2015

Posted on 29th August 2015

The Communications Subcommittee coordinates and oversees the various communication activities of the Glebe Society including the Bulletin, websites and social media (such as Facebook and Twitter).

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2014 -2015

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2014 -2015

Posted on 29th August 2015

Transport and traffic matters this year were dominated by the WestConnex project, the $15 billion road and tunnel tollway announced by the State Government back in 2012 which is now being constructed.

Valuing our Local Suppliers

Posted on 29th August 2015

Food security is a major environmental issue on a global scale. Food waste is a big part of that problem with waste occurring at all stages of production, distribution and consumption. The Bulletin interviewed well-known local fruit and vegetable supplier, Joe Galluzzo, on his experience of the effects of the supermarket chains on the trade.

New book by Sandra Darroch (Glebe Society’s First Secretary)

New book by Sandra Darroch (Glebe Society’s First Secretary)

Posted on 14th August 2015

Sandra Darroch’s new book on electricity (‘Power for the People – An Uncensored Story of Electricity in Australia 1770-2015’) shows, ever since governments, State and Federal, got their sticky fingers on the power-stations, the ‘poles-and-wires’, and the electricity retailers – the three elements of the energy-supply chain – they have refused to pass on these savings, and instead have ripped off the consumer unconscionably and outrageously.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Posted on 14th August 2015

In 2014-15 the Environment Subcommittee participated in the city-wide ‘Garage Sale Trail’ and took part in consultation and feedback processes on two of the City’s major sustainability policies.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-2015

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-2015

Posted on 14th August 2015

The heritage environment in NSW remains tenuous at best. Growth projects are being touted as ‘transformative’ but at what cost? A significant number of communities are already expressing alarm about potential impacts on their local heritage.

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Posted on 14th August 2015

Are there any blue wrens in Glebe? The answer over the past year is ‘sometimes’. During our second annual spring bird survey on Sunday 26 October 2014, local residents in Jarocin Ave reported that blue wrens, both male and female, are seen in their garden from time to time.

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