2014 – Page 5 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2014

What is Heritage?

Posted on 24th January 2014

‘Heritage’ is the tangible evidence of our history, the things we want to keep, not only for our own enjoyment and education but also for future generations.

Building Types

Posted on 24th January 2014

The casual observer can easily identify a wide range of housing types in Glebe, from the Regency mansion, suburban villa, the large terrace, the small single-storey terrace to the freestanding cottage, a diversity reflecting the wide array of occupational groups that have made Glebe their home.


Posted on 24th January 2014

Some of this State’s most influential early architects lived in Glebe and some of their work still survives here

Protection of Heritage

Posted on 24th January 2014

Currently there are 11 items (or groups of items) in Glebe which are listed on the State Heritage Register, which offers the highest level of statutory protection.

At Risk

Posted on 24th January 2014

In November 2013, the NSW Minister for Heritage approved a recommendation from the NSW Heritage Council that the Glebe Island Bridge be placed on the State Heritage Register.
The Glebe Estate and its current parlous condition continues to concern this Society.

Recent Restorations

Posted on 24th January 2014

Glebe Town Hall,
Walter Burley Griffin Incinerator,
Diggers Memorial,
The Tramsheds

The Glebe Society’s Heritage Subcommittee

Posted on 24th January 2014

Our terms of reference : Protect and promote Glebe’s heritage Continue research that will improve the effectiveness of the State Heritage Register as it applies to Glebe Conduct heritage themed events Develop consistent records relating to history and heritage for continued incorporation onto the Glebe Society website Anticipate forthcoming events and other matters of special […]

Miscellaneous Heritage Issues

Posted on 24th January 2014

Heritage trees,
House names,
Industrial archeology

Cheque Signing and Internet Payment policy

Cheque Signing and Internet Payment policy

Posted on 9th March 2014

All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments must be signed by any two members of the committee or employees of the Society, being members or employees authorized to do so by the committee.

Expenses Claim Form

Expenses Claim Form

Posted on 9th March 2014

Download an Expenses Claim form

Reimbursement Policy

Reimbursement Policy

Posted on 9th March 2014

Under certain conditions, a payment may be made to a member of the Society for the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the Society, for any service rendered to the Society in a professional or technical capacity or as an employee of the Society,

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