2014 – Page 3 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2014

Blue Wrens Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/2014

Blue Wrens Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/2014

Posted on 31st July 2014

In a national survey conducted during Oct 2013 by BirdLife Australia, the superb fairy wren or blue wren was voted as Australia’s favourite bird. The work of the Subcommittee during the year can best be summarised by the words of one of our members, Norma Hawkins, who when interviewed by the Inner West Courier about […]

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/2014

Posted on 31st July 2014

The FLAG ‘Community Stress’ working committee, on which the Glebe Society was represented, reported in Sept 2013; identifying four potential responses to this community problem. Two potential means to address issues raised were: firstly, in the short term, to expand the community BBQ program, specifically targeted at areas where community cohesion appears least successful, and […]

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14

Posted on 31st July 2014

Worrying about Heritage and its destruction is nothing new. In 1397 Dick Whittington (Lord Mayor of London) campaigned, inter alia, against watered beer and the destruction of old walls and monuments.1 Centuries later, in an environment where politicians are ‘gung-ho on growth’, we remain concerned about the destruction of our heritage. Heritage concerns are being […]

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/14

Posted on 31st July 2014

People generally only become interested in planning when a development affects them personally. Then they can become quite obsessed by it! One reason why the Glebe Society is so valuable is that it takes a larger view, and keeps members informed about the rules that govern all development, not just particular proposals. When the new […]

Has Tom Uren’s Vision Become Permanently Dimmed?

Posted on 31st July 2014

Forty years on, has Tom Uren’s vision become permanently dimmed? On 6 Aug 1974 Tom Uren, the Federal Minister for Urban and Regional Development. A grass roots move to recognise the 40th anniversary of Tom Uren’s leadership and the significance of his foresight in protecting and preserving the Glebe Estate has recently begun. Several events are being planned to commemorate the 40th anniversary.

Planning Matters (July 2014)

Planning Matters (July 2014)

Posted on 31st July 2014

179 Glebe Point Rd; 25 Glebe Point Rd, Ancient Briton (‘AB’) Hotel; 87 Bay St; and 44 Glebe Point Rd, “Hartford”

Major Urban Renewal Project for Sydney’s Bays Precinct

Posted on 22nd July 2014

Important Community meeting – MONDAY 4TH August 6pm Glebe Town Hall
The Government is now informing us that it has decided on a ‘major urban renewal project to create new housing, recreational, retail and tourism places’ through the Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Program. This could be a terrific opportunity for intelligent and integrated planning to renew iconic AND LARGELY PUBLICLY OWNED harbour foreshores and bays

Premier’s Bays Precinct Development

Premier’s Bays Precinct Development

Posted on 21st July 2014

The Premier’s announced bays precinct development will be an enormous opportunity IF it is based on sustainable development principles and community engagement. We are determined we will not permit another Barangaroo –  with little consideration of community wishes,  secret decision making and a development outcome which blatantly favoured private interests over that of the community. […]

Removal of Flora

Posted on 7th July 2014

Contractors for Transdev, the operators of the light rail system, have removed extensive areas of flora beside the track in Leichhardt and Annandale.

Annual General Meeting of The Glebe Society

Annual General Meeting of The Glebe Society

Posted on 15th July 2014

The Annual General Meeting of The Glebe Society will be held at the Glebe Town Hall, 160 St Johns Road, Glebe, on Sunday 31st August 2014, from 11.00 am till 1pm.  All members are invited. The following Notices for the Annual General Meeting are now available: Invitation to all members to attend the 2014 AGM […]

NAIDOC week in Glebe

NAIDOC week in Glebe

Posted on 9th July 2014

NAIDOC week is being held from the 7th to 13th July.  The Glebe NAIDOC committee has prepared a wonderful booklet with details of events planned for Glebe this year. You can access the booklet using the following link: http://online.fliphtml5.com/vpnn/kxzc/#p=1 The committee is made up of local services and community members committed to working together to highlight […]

Upgrade to Foley Park – Finished at Last!

Posted on 7th July 2014

The final stage of the Foley Park upgrade has now been completed.

Better Planning Network

Better Planning Network

Posted on 7th July 2014

I attended a strategy meeting of this key organisation, which now has 460 affiliates throughout NSW. The Network realises that defeating the State Government’s pro-developer planning legislation is only the first step, although an essential one. Now we have to pre-empt moves to introduce negative changes by stealth, as the Government has promised to do.

Harold Park: A Welcome Variation

Posted on 7th July 2014

The fourth stage or precinct of the residential zone is now on exhibition. There are six precincts of residential building. Three precincts have so far been approved, and these contain approximately two thirds (829) of the total of 1 250 dwellings.

Now Opening on Broadway

Posted on 7th July 2014

The section of Broadway toward Railway Square has become the focus of some of Sydney’s most innovative architecture.

Loss of Women’s Services in Glebe

Posted on 7th July 2014

Detour House is closing. In the 30+ years it has served the community, 100% of its clients have been traumatised by sexual assault and/or family violence and 95% have been diagnosed with mental health issues.
Elsie Women’s Refuge will continue but it will no longer be managed by Domestic Violence NSW.

The President’s Reports and Correspondence for June 2014

The President’s Reports and Correspondence for June 2014

Posted on 4th July 2014

June has been a busy month for correspondence, and I now make available the following items: 1. President’s Report for May 2014, 2. President’s Report for June 2014, 3. Letter to the Sydney Superyacht Marina, 4. Letter to the Minister for Family & Community Services, and 5. The Dictionary of Sydney

Council Responds to Harold Park Parkland Submission

Council Responds to Harold Park Parkland Submission

Posted on 2nd June 2014

The Glebe Society’s submission to Council on the design for the Harold Park Public Parkland was published in the April Bulletin. It is pleasing that Council has responded in specific terms to our submission. Council’s response is below, together with our further comments.

Glebe Is Ready to Respond to Millers Point Sell-off

Posted on 2nd June 2014

Residents of Millers Point are making it abundantly clear that their continuing objections to the announcement by the former NSW Community Services Minister, Pru Goward, that ‘almost 300 public housing properties at Miller’s Point, the Rocks and Gloucester St would be sold within two years’ are seen by the public.

Broadway Centre

Posted on 2nd June 2014

Mirvac, the owner, has proposed changes to the Bay St facade, which include replacing the posted awning with a clear, cantilevered one. This will make the facade more compatible with the Heritage-listed Model and Moxham building on the corner of Broadway, and the approach lighter and safer. The granite paving will be extended to replace the bitumen. Unfortunately, their plans do not go as far as remodelling the entrance itself.

Students and Glebe

Posted on 2nd June 2014

The City of Sydney is under pressure to approve new student accommodation, but it does not have a specific set of controls. Instead, it attempts to deal with proposals under its existing Boarding House controls. Clearly this is not satisfactory.

From the Blue Wren Subcommittee

Posted on 2nd June 2014

The rebuilding of the eastern tennis court in St James Park will be completed next month. Work will then commence on the western court with the excavation of the site for construction of an 80,000 litre water tank beneath the court; the retaining wall on the western side of the court adjacent to St James Ave will be removed and rebuilt. The water will be used to irrigate St James Park. Local residents are concerned about the adverse impact of a proposed increase in use by St James School of St James Park and John Street Reserve as playgrounds during school hours.

What Should We Do about the Large Numbers of Indian Mynas in Glebe?

Posted on 2nd June 2014

Bird in Backyards states: “The Indian or Common Myna was introduced from south-east Asia into the cane fields of north-eastern Queensland in 1883, to combat insect pests, particularly plague locusts and cane beetles. Other releases occurred, and by the 1940s and 1950s it was established in many eastern metropolitan areas.”

The Mauling of Max’s Garden

Posted on 2nd June 2014

Last December I took some pictures of the garden created by Max Solling adjacent to the Glebe Rowing Club. Max had carefully selected natives, particularly those which were drought resistant. His garden prospered through a tough period, until … well you can see for yourself. We knew that the last section of the Foreshore Walk […]

A Justice Centre Established in Glebe

Posted on 2nd June 2014

The Glebe Justice Centre is a newly established non-government organisation with a rights-based approach to community development. It aims to increase access to justice through advocacy, strengthening pathways to existing legal services while providing additional services as needed and facilitating community leadership programs to enable all citizens to respond more effectively to local issues and concerns.

Using LED Lighting – a Bright Idea

Posted on 2nd June 2014

David Winterton gave a well attended presentation on ‘Understanding LEDs’ at Benledi on Thursday evening, 8 May, organised by the Society’s Environment Subcommittee. David is convenor of the Sydney branch of the Alternative Technology Association, the oldest organisation promoting sustainable technology in Australia, and director of Ecological Design, a sustainability consultancy business.

Transport and Traffic Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Transport and Traffic Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Terms of Reference 2013-14 for the Transport and Traffic Sub-Committee.

Blue Wren Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Blue Wren Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Terms of Reference 2013-14 for the Blue Wren Sub-Committee.

Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13

Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13

Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13.

Heritage Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Heritage Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2013-14

Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Terms of Reference for the Heritage Sub-Committee for 2013-14.

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