2013 – Page 2 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2013

Jan Craney awarded Glebe Society Commendation

Posted on 31st August 2013

Jan Craney was awarded a Glebe Society Commendation at the 2013 annual general meeting.

Dr Lesley Lynch Elected Life Member

Posted on 31st August 2013

Dr Lesley Lynch was elected a Life Member of the Glebe Society at the 2013 annual general meeting.

Peter Thorogood awarded Glebe Society Commendation

Posted on 31st August 2013

Peter Thorogood was awarded a Glebe Society Commendation at the 2013 annual general meeting.

Professor Jane Marceau awarded Glebe Society Commendation

Posted on 31st August 2013

Professor Jane Marceau was awarded a Glebe Society Commendation at the 2013 annual general meeting.

President’s Report to the 2013 AGM

President’s Report to the 2013 AGM

Posted on 29th August 2013

This has been a year in which the Glebe Society has been very active in policy analysis, community engagement and strategy development. The core of what we do is heritage, environment and planning. Support for Heritage at Federal and State government level continues to decline; agencies’ staff and funds are cut, and it would seem […]

What Do the 2013 Federal Candidates Say?

What Do the 2013 Federal Candidates Say?

Posted on 29th August 2013

The downstairs meeting room at Glebe Town Hall was barely large enough to seat the 150 or so people who came on Monday 26 August to meet the candidates for the electorate of Sydney in the 2013 Federal Election. The meeting was chaired by the Glebe Society’s President, John Gray, who acknowledged the original owners […]

Good Things Happen When They Are Community Initiated!

Posted on 29th August 2013

As reported in the August Bulletin, Mark Weisser was acknowledged for his community work in Glebe. The inspiration to recognise Mark Weisser was the action of one society member, Mark Cashmore, a “regular” on the foreshore with his dog, Dingle. City of Sydney was approached to ascertain how Mark could be recognised. The Lord Mayor, […]

Glebe Society Submission on Proposed Adaptive Re-use of Former Rozelle Tram Depot

Posted on 28th August 2013

Representatives of the Glebe Society met with representatives of MIRVAC to discuss the DA – both our concerns and our appreciation of the positive aspects. The meeting was helpful. The Glebe Society offers the following comments on the Mirvac Development Application (DA) for the adaptive re-use of the Rozelle Tramshed. General The restoration and appropriate, […]

Vale John Dengate

Posted on 28th August 2013

Another sad loss for Glebe has been the death of renowned folk singer and activist, John Dengate, who died suddenly on 1 August 2013, aged 75. John’s most recent involvement with the Glebe Society was when he played the tin whistle at our Anzac Day memorial. You will recall that the Bulletin has been running […]

Glebe Farewells Peter Pockley

Posted on 28th August 2013

Peter Pockley, a familiar face at any Glebe Society event, died on Saturday 17 August at home, aged 78 years.  The Glebe Society will miss him as a member of our community who gave more than he took. We offer our sympathy to Jenny and the family. Robyn Williams, the ABC Science Show presenter, gave […]

Vale John Holt

Vale John Holt

Posted on 28th August 2013

John Holt, a member of the Glebe Society and resident of Wigram Rd and Mt Wilson, died peacefully at home on 24 June 2013 aged 82. He is survived by his wife, Mary. As he came to appreciate and enjoy the many elements of this diverse, convenient and appealing suburb, he became a keen and […]

August 2013

August 2013

Posted on 10th August 2013

AGM The AGM was successfully completed on August 25, 2013. Reports from subcommittees had been published and I gave the President’s annual report. Officers were elected by the AGM which welcomed Jan Wilson as Vice President; Di Gray as Secretary; Tess Nicholls as Treasurer; and me as President. Rozzie Hecker, Jock Keene, Bill Simpson Young […]

Redevelopment of Harold Park

Redevelopment of Harold Park

Posted on 6th August 2013

Articles about the campaign to persuade the City Council and the State Government to adopt a better plan for the redevelopment of Harold Park than that prepared by the Government Architect.

The Tramsheds – the Developer’s Proposal Unveiled

Posted on 28th July 2013

Mirvac has submitted a proposal for the Tramsheds, which they acquired when they bought Harold Park. Some of the details of this proposal are mentioned in the report below, but if you wish to study the application in full you can find it at the One Stop Shop at Glebe Library or on the City […]

Welcome to New Members night

Posted on 25th July 2013

Meet us on Friday 30th August from 6 – 8 pm, at the Harold Park Hotel, cnr Wigram Rd and Ross St, for another WELCOME NEW MEMBERS night. We’ll raise a glass of welcome to our new Glebe Society friends and catch up with old ones. Enjoy wine, beer, soft drinks and hot and cold snack food. Bookings essential, either online or via the Bulletin flyer.

Parking under the Spotlight

Posted on 24th July 2013

City of Sydney recently released its Draft Neighbourhood Parking Policy. The policy outlines the City’s approach to managing parking demands throughout all its precincts, including Glebe and Forest Lodge. The City is seeking to bring about consistency across all the areas it administers.

2013 Subcommittee Annual Reports

Posted on 24th July 2013

The Glebe Society’s Subcommittees have presented their annual report for 2012/13.

Stories from Glebe’s History in the August Bulletin

Posted on 24th July 2013

The August issue of the Glebe Society Bulletin features the fourth and final instalment of Neil Macindoe’s interview with Albert Mispel about the Anti-Expressway Campaign from 1970 to 1977. The full edited transcript is now online.
Jan Wilson has also contributed an article about the origin of the name “Glebe”. This article is also online.

Concert at Glebe Town Hall – 25th August

Concert at Glebe Town Hall – 25th August

Posted on 20th July 2013

The Taverner Consort of Voices will be holding a concert at the Glebe Town Hall on Sunday 25th August at 3.00 p.m

Community Recognition for Mark, the dog walker – 19th July

Posted on 15th July 2013

The Glebe Society sought the support of City of Sydney to acknowledge Mark’s community work in Glebe. For many years, Mark has walked neighbours’ dogs, collected local rubbish and brought cheer to everyone. You are invited to public acknowledgement of Mark’s contribution to the Glebe. Friday 19th July, at 5.00 p.m. at Strides Crane – Glebe Foreshore. The Deputy Lord Mayor Robyn Kemmis will present Mark with a letter of Commendation from the Lord Mayor, Clover Moore.

Re-dedication of Stained Glass Windows – 28th July

Posted on 6th July 2013

St James’ Church, Forest Lodge, has invited Glebe Society members, Glebe neighbours and former parishioners of St James invited to join Fr. Colin Fowler and the parish community as they re-dedicate the newly restored church facade and rose window. The window has been restored in memory of Frank and Melina Galluzzo. Sunday July 28th, Feast of St James, 9.30am: Celebration of the Eucharist (Mass), followed by morning tea.

June/July 2013

June/July 2013

Posted on 10th July 2013

I was away for June and July and thank the Vice President for her work during that time. Since I have been back during this month August I have posted the following notices. The Glebe Society submission concerning Development Application for the Tramsheds at Harold Park.

Draft Neighbourhood Parking Policy, and our Submission

Posted on 4th July 2013

Residents are invited to have their say regarding the discussion paper for the Development of Neighbourhood Parking Policy. The aim is to standardise the policy across the LGA and remove discrepancies and illegal activity. It is important to remember that will be an increase of traffic in the near future. Whilst Glebe/Forest Lodge has not had the pressures that other villages have experienced, there will be changes. Of paramount importance is to preserve parking for local residents.

AGM of The Glebe Society – 25th August

Posted on 1st July 2013

Members are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held at the Glebe Town Hall, St Johns Road, Glebe, Sunday 25th August from 11.00 am till 1.00 pm. In addition to the usual business activities of the AGM, we are pleased to announce that there will be an address by Corinne Fisher (Better Planning Network) has accepted our invitation to speak to members following the conclusion of the formal agenda. Her topic will be ‘Fighting for Community Influence’.

Stories fom Glebe’s History in the July Bulletin

Posted on 27th June 2013

The July issue of the Glebe Society Bulletin features the third and final instalment of Neil Macindoe’s interview with Albert Mispel about the Anti-Expressway Campaign from 1970 to 1977. Lyn Collingwood’s series “Who Lived in Your Street?” continues with an article about physician John Foulis who had a medical practice on today’s Broadway and at […]

New Planning Proposals: Heritage Gone AWOL?

Posted on 27th June 2013

Incredibly, the NSW Government’s planning White Paper scarcely mentions the word “heritage.” Perhaps this is not surprising as so often in the past NSW has exhibited a cavalier attitude to its heritage and history. Some particular concerns relating to heritage …

Community Planning Forum Resolves to NSW Planning Changes

Posted on 27th June 2013

A Community Forum on Planning, organised by the Glebe Society in collaboration with Pyrmont Action and Ultimo Village Voice, was held on May 16. Below is a copy of the resolution that was passed unanimously and which has been delivered to the state government.

New Planning Legislation explained in one page

Posted on 8th June 2013

The Better Planning Network has produced a one page guide for residents which explains the key points of the proposed planning legislation and encourages them to write an objection.

Bays Precinct task force report: worth the effort?

Posted on 26th May 2013

The long awaited Bays Precinct Taskforce Report1, and the Government’s response to it, was released in late March. The Report is a mixed bag. It makes some very significant findings and recommendations – although these are often loose and open to many interpretations.

Johnstons Creek Parkland Submission – May 2013

Posted on 1st June 2013

In April the City of Sydney released its Draft Master Plan for the Johnstons Creek Parklands for public comment. Many local residents attended the consultation session held by Council in Bicentennial Park in early May, and feedback was also invited through the ‘Sydney Your Say’ website. The Master Plan is of major significance for Glebe, […]

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