Monthly Archives: August 2010

Harold Park – report to the AGM
Posted on 30th August 2010As of Friday 27 August, Harold Park Paceway had not reached an agreement with the City of Sydney on proposed planning controls for the site and hence the draft rezoning has not been formally presented to the Minister, Tony Kelly.

Photos of the Blue Wrens Planting Day – 1st August 2010
Posted on 29th August 2010A Tree Planting Day was held at the Paddy Gray Reserve on Sunday 1st August 2010, to improve the habitat
for Superb Fairy-wrens and help to keep them in Glebe. Photos of the event are now available at our Flickr website.

President’s report to the 2010 Annual General Meeting
Posted on 28th August 2010Follow this link to read President Lesley Lynch’s report to the Society’s annual general meeting on 29 August 2010.

Plaque in honour of Jack Mundey – 11th September
Posted on 25th August 2010A Plaque in honour of the work of Jack Mundey will be unveiled at a ceremony to be held on 11th September 2010, commencing at 11.00 a.m., at the Smith Hogan & Spindlers Park, Johnstons Creek, Annandale.

Annual General Meeting – 29th August 2010
Posted on 12th August 2010The Annual General Meeting of the Glebe Society will be held at Benledi (next to the Library in Glebe Point Road) at 11am on Sunday, 29 August. The formal proceedings will be followed by a guest speaker and light refreshments. All members welcome! The Guest Speaker will be Dr Stewart Condon, Medecins sans Frontieres.

Ride the vintage tugboat “Waratah” around the Bays – 31st October
Posted on 11th August 2010The Glebe Society is hiring the 1902 vintage tugboat Waratah for a late afternoon ride around the local Bays, on Sunday 31st October. Unfortunately, this event has already booked out, and it has a waiting list. Given the level of interest, the Glebe Society will consider a repeat event, probably next year.

Wentworth Park Community Games – 12th September
Posted on 2nd August 2010Is your family mutt a winner? Find out on 12th September at the Wentworth Park Community Games.

Visit to NSW Coroner’s Court
Posted on 10th August 2010Visit to the NSW Coroner's Court, Glebe, where we hear about the work of the Coroners Court and sit in on part of a case being heard, followed by lunch. For Members only.

Guided Walking tour of Glebe Artisan Businesses – 16th September
Posted on 1st August 2010Join us for a Guided Walking Tour of Glebe Artisan Businesses (book binders, stencil gallery, garden bookshop, floral design, artists’ studios) finishing at a local cafe.