Monthly Archives: February 2009

Glebe Society Management Committee meeting
Posted on 24th February 2009At the Old fire Station, Mitchell Street, GLEBE

Blackwattle Bay
Posted on 17th February 2009NSW is seeking proposals for the development and long-term lease of land and water area for maritime-related operational and commercial/retail use at the southern end of Blackwattle Bay between the Hanson concrete facility and the Sydney Fish Market.

Bellevue pontoon completed
Posted on 17th February 2009Another part of the Blackwattle Bay foreshore walk has begun to fall into place with the completion of work on the boat pontoon near Bellevue. However the news about the southern end of the foreshore walk is not so encouraging.

Foreshore walk – work starts of Belleveue pontoon
Posted on 17th February 2009Another part of the Blackwattle Bay foreshore walk has begun to fall into place with the start of work on the boat pontoon near Bellevue. The pontoon is intended for small boats, such as water taxis, and hopefully will one day allow visitors to arrive by water at whatever facility eventuates at Bellevue now the […]