Allan Hogan, Convenor, Communications Subcommittee, July 2021

It was with regret that the Management Committee accepted the decision of Virginia Simpson-Young to stand down as Editor of the Bulletin and as Convenor of the Communications Subcommittee. At its last meeting the Management Committee put on record its appreciation of the energy and dedication Virginia has brought to both positions and expressed its gratitude for the years of service she has given the Society and its members. The Committee was pleased that Virginia will continue to be an active member of the Communications Subcommittee.

The publication of the Bulletin is one of the most important functions of the Society, and it’s vitally important that the high standards set by Virginia are maintained. For over 50 years the Bulletin has kept members informed of the Society’s activities and concerns, and published engaging and entertaining contributions by talented local writers. The Bulletin has been described as ‘the glue that holds the Society together’.

Hopefully, among our members there is someone (or maybe more than one person) with the skills and energy to take over from Virginia and ensure that the Bulletin continues to be a must-read publication, not just for our members but for others who find enjoyment in reading its contributions. Virginia has offered to help with the transition process and there are others who are part of the present production team who will provide assistance.

Please contact me if you would like to consider taking on the job:, 0411 607 813.