Dear Friends of Glebe Island Bridge

The 2nd July 2021 marked 118 years since the opening of Glebe Island Bridge in 1903.

Since our Rally to save Glebe Island Bridge in December 2020 marking 25 years since it was decommissioned, there has been no firm commitment for restoration or repair of the slowly deteriorating bridge but there has been some positive words.

We are hoping that the Bays West Place Strategy released in March 2021 recommending the restoration and repurposing of the Bridge as a pedestrian and bicycle thoroughfare means that saving it has become more likely. Meanwhile it continues to deteriorate and we will not accept that it will be saved and restored until something is done about its upkeep.

As part of our campaign we are pushing for the Bridge to be part of a more extensive pedestrian and bicycle link around the harbour for leisure and active transport purposes.

We have redesigned the Glebe Island Bridge Website so that it contains information about the history of the Bridge and also includes all plans and information that affects its future.

Please visit and if you wish to contribute or make any enquiry, you can contact us at

Janet Wahlquist, President, Glebe Society