By the Editor, Allan Hogan, Bulletin 6/2023, August

(Photo licenced by Adobe Stock Images)

Each month the Bulletin will publish a photo judged by the editorial committee to be the best image of Glebe or Forest Lodge taken by a member of the Society and entered in the competition.  The Management Committee will decide the overall winner to be published in the December edition.   The prize will be a free ticket to our Christmas party.   Winning photos will be archived on our website.

These are the rules:

(1)  The photo must be taken within the 2037 postcode
(2)  The photo must be recent (not more than a year old)
(3)  The photo must have been taken by a financial member of the Society
(4)  The member permits the Society to use the photo in its publications and social media
(5)  A member can enter only one image in each monthly competition
(6)  The editorial committee will determine the monthly winner for publication, but selected other entries will be posted to our website
(7)  The Management Committee will determine the overall annual winner.
(8)  Entries must be received by the 21st of the month preceding publication

Email your entries to