From time to time the Society receives requests for financial assistance from individuals or other Organisations. These range from participation in community events and donations for school camps to funding of major campaigns.

1. Any proposal should be consistent with and further the Society’s objectives as set out in its Constitution;

2. Except in the event of highly unusual circumstances the application for the grant should be made in advance in order to allow the Management Committee time to deliberate.

3. Requests for financial assistance after a campaign/event has been run will not normally be considered unless the applicant can demonstrate that it was not possible to discuss the matter with the Management Committee in advance.


It is the responsibility of the President to ensure that:

  • Members are aware of this policy;
  • Any breaches of this policy coming to the attention of the Management Committee are dealt with appropriately.


Any request for funds must be accompanied by a written proposal outlining:

  • The purpose of the activity (e.g. campaign, event)
  • Details of planning, timing, costs etc. of the proposed activity
  • Detail of the amount sought

When deliberating on the matter the Management Committee should consider:

  • The purpose of the activity taking into account its significance to the general Glebe community and its relevance to the Society’s strategic direction.
  • Assess the viability of the proposed activity taking into account planning, timing, cost and the ability of the proponent to implement the activity
  • Take into account competing demands on the Society’s financial resources and possible alternative sources of funding for the proposed activity
  • Assess the likely support of society members
  • Whether associating the Society with a particular activity would add to or detract from community perceptions of the Society.


  • Management Committee on 9 October 2013