A further Development Application (DA) has been lodged with Council for redevelopment of “Durham Court”, 417 Glebe Point Road.  Council received many objections from local residents against the previous DA for this property, and the owner has now submitted this new application.  Any objections against this DA close on 13th March 2012.


Following the Planning Committee meeting of 5 March it seems likely the City will adopt its new Plan as amended. This means stronger controls over development. The amendments include almost all those proposed by the Society:
1.      Greater protection for Glebe’s foreshore parks
2.      Special infrastructure zoning for public buildings
3.      Consistent and increased Heritage listings
4.      Reduced maximum heights for new development in certain key parts of Glebe, especially Allen Street and Cook Street, but also for parts of Glebe Point Road.
The Height and density controls for Durham Court , 417 Glebe Point Road, have been reduced, and this makes it more difficult for the present owners to gain approval for their present very large redevelopment proposal.
The Society accepts there will be a redevelopment of this site, currently a collection of 1920s flats, at some stage. However, we suggest this takes place within the existing building envelope and with minimal impact on neighbours.
In order to secure this outcome, we ask members to object to the current proposal on the grounds of excessive density and height, and request that any new proposal should not exceed the limits imposed by the new CityPlan.