Environment – Page 3 – The Glebe Society

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Fox Sightings in Glebe
Posted on 31st August 2018

A fox has been sighted in Glebe at least twice in the last few weeks. The Facebook post received many comments confirming the sighting, but a letter from John and Jenny Sergeant drew our attention to the serious consequences of feral animals in Glebe.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018
Posted on 6th August 2018

The Glebe Society joined the War on Waste, and focussed on reducing the use of disposable coffee cups in Glebe.
The environment subcommittee was particularly concerned about the proposal for Blackwattle Bay Marina, trading as All Occasion Cruises, to move to 5 Bank St Pyrmont.

Where to ‘Redcycle’ Your Soft Plastics
Posted on 5th July 2018

If you’re not already doing it, you can recycle soft plastics by taking them to Coles at Broadway and putting them in the ‘Redcycle’ bin.

Get your Glebe Society ‘Keep Cup’
Posted on 3rd April 2018

The Society is doing its bit by making available Glebe Society-branded Keep Cups for the bargain price of $5. The cups are good quality and come in a mix of colours, sizes and material.

William Carlton Gardens – A Secret Garden in the Heart of Glebe
Posted on 3rd April 2018

A Glebe Society member wanted to share with members what she and other locals have also been doing to protect and improve the vegetation and habitat in the William Carlton Gardens

Gardening Australia Films in Glebe
Posted on 4th March 2018

Costa Georgiadis, host of ABC TV program ‘Gardening Australia’, and a film crew visited Glebe on 19 October. St Helen’s Community Garden and the kerb garden of Jock Keene in Toxteth Rd were the subjects.

Damage to Mangroves in the Mangrove Area of Bicentennial Park
Posted on 7th September 2017

Damage to some of the saplings has occurred recently and I suspect dogs. So dog owners please keep your dogs out of the area and if you see dogs in the area, please alert their owners to the potential for damage.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17
Posted on 7th September 2017

Alienation of public land for Blackwattle Bay Marina (trading as All Occasion Cruises) and plastic bags and non-recyclable coffee cups in Glebe.

Why Orphan School Creek is Important
Posted on 7th September 2017

Fifty years ago the bays’ foreshores, and all the watercourses that drained into them, were lined with industrial uses, most of them in terminal decline, and many already defunct and derelict. The biggest drain was the concreted Johnstons Creek. At the Children’s Hospital, Camperdown, it was joined by a tributary, Orphan School Creek.

Our Greenest Greengrocer – Glebe’s Galluzzos
Posted on 28th July 2017

The well-known Glebe institution, Galluzzo Fruiterers, is arguably the greenest greengrocer in Sydney.

What Are We Going To Do about Plastic Bags?
Posted on 29th June 2017

Lightweight supermarket bags are used, on average, for 12 minutes. But they take hundreds, perhaps 1,000, years to break down.
Far too many plastic bags end up as litter. In the water the bags become a danger to marine life. Glebe, as a waterfront suburb, has a special responsibility to ban plastic bags.

Retention of Dying Ficus in Jubilee Park
Posted on 29th June 2017

Last year a Ficus obliqua (Moreton Bay Fig) in Jubilee Park, close to the western entrance to the light rail tunnel in Victoria St, had almost died. The Society wrote to the City asking that the tree be retained and made safe by pruning The City accepted our request and the Ficus has now been expertly pruned and we look forward to seeing its use by Glebe’s native fauna.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2015–16

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2015–16
Posted on 29th July 2016

Mangroves, local fruit and vegetable suppliers, community renewable energy, Johnstons Creek Parkland Masterplan and Council’s Draft Environmental Action plan, 2016–2021

The Johnstons Creek Parklands – Disappearing Projects?
Posted on 29th March 2016

The Johnstons Creek Parkland Master Plan, includes:
– the Hill (currently inaccessible).
– the canal naturalisation.
– the large freshwater wetland – ‘a highly visible expression of the parklands’ signature character’.
– various upgrades to existing parks, including a fountain, a kayak and canoe launching pontoon and a new bridge close to the Bay.
A lovely vision for this critical area, which we need to ensure becomes reality.

Valuing our Local Suppliers
Posted on 29th August 2015

Food security is a major environmental issue on a global scale. Food waste is a big part of that problem with waste occurring at all stages of production, distribution and consumption. The Bulletin interviewed well-known local fruit and vegetable supplier, Joe Galluzzo, on his experience of the effects of the supermarket chains on the trade.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15
Posted on 14th August 2015

In 2014-15 the Environment Subcommittee participated in the city-wide ‘Garage Sale Trail’ and took part in consultation and feedback processes on two of the City’s major sustainability policies.

Energy Efficiency Master Plan

Energy Efficiency Master Plan
Posted on 8th May 2015

The draft Energy Efficiency Master Plan for the City of Sydney is open for comment until 4 May. The Master Plan is a good news story as it provides strategies that will achieve significant greenhouse gas reductions while saving money for business and residents.

Flowerpots for Diversity
Posted on 28th March 2015

Enter the flower pot: the latest in habitat creation.

International Focus on Glebe
Posted on 14th March 2015

Glebe’s charms are about to be given an international focus through two separate projects, one interested in Glebe Walks, and the other in St Helen’s Community Garden.

Taking Part in the Garage Sale Trail
Posted on 8th December 2014

We called our garage sale ‘Glebe Grunge and Glory’ and were able to use the Glebe Justice Centre building on St Johns Rd as the venue. Held on Saturday 25 October, a dazzling range of pre-loved goods was offered for sale or donation.

Varied Habitat along Foreshore Walk
Posted on 4th November 2014

The City of Sydney has included in the landscaping design a number of features to provide improved habitat for both plant and animal life. As well as planting hundreds of shrubs and native grasses to provide habitat for small birds and animals, the edge of the foreshore has been improved to create saltwater mangroves and endangered coastal salt marsh habitats.

Advanced Waste Treatment – Community Consultation

Advanced Waste Treatment – Community Consultation
Posted on 29th August 2014

The City of Sydney has released its draft Advanced Waste Treatment Master Plan. The City’s resident consultation process was through in-depth workshops held over three weeks.

St Helen’s Community Garden Completed
Posted on 29th August 2014

The garden attracts constant interest from local residents and visitors, with people wandering through the garden to keep track of the veggie plantings, or to sit on the convenient ledges for a rest or a chat.

Upgrade to Foley Park – Finished at Last!
Posted on 7th July 2014

The final stage of the Foley Park upgrade has now been completed.

What Should We Do about the Large Numbers of Indian Mynas in Glebe?
Posted on 2nd June 2014

Bird in Backyards states: “The Indian or Common Myna was introduced from south-east Asia into the cane fields of north-eastern Queensland in 1883, to combat insect pests, particularly plague locusts and cane beetles. Other releases occurred, and by the 1940s and 1950s it was established in many eastern metropolitan areas.”

Using LED Lighting – a Bright Idea
Posted on 2nd June 2014

David Winterton gave a well attended presentation on ‘Understanding LEDs’ at Benledi on Thursday evening, 8 May, organised by the Society’s Environment Subcommittee. David is convenor of the Sydney branch of the Alternative Technology Association, the oldest organisation promoting sustainable technology in Australia, and director of Ecological Design, a sustainability consultancy business.

Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13

Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13
Posted on 11th May 2014

Click here to view the Environment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2012-13.

Our Green Footpaths
Posted on 27th March 2014

The footpaths of Glebe have become much less bare thanks to Council’s tree planting and verge gardens. However, the contribution of residents is still very important in the ‘greening of Glebe’. What’s more, the gardening efforts of individuals are naturally more varied, and sometimes more quirky, than the mainly uniform look produced by Council contractors […]

Natural Glebe
Posted on 4th March 2014

The planning and creation or upgrading of a park is a slow business. When the final stage of the Foley Park upgrade is achieved this year it will be seven years since the process began, as Bobbie Burke reminded me. Even so, 2014 will be a good year for seeing a number of park projects completed.

Getting into Veggie Gardening
Posted on 28th November 2013

Some very varied approaches to growing your own vegetables raised lively discussion at the well-attended talk on the Grow it Local theme.

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