Community – Page 6 – The Glebe Society

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Initiative to Support Mental Health in Glebe

Initiative to Support Mental Health in Glebe
Posted on 8th December 2014

The objective of this program is to educate and inform the community about positive service provision and constructive interaction with mental health consumers in our midst.

Pop-up Park Day

Pop-up Park Day
Posted on 11th November 2014

On Friday 10 October 2014 a significant number of Glebe Community members gathered at the park on the corner of Catherine St and Mount Vernon St in Glebe to commemorate the acquisition of the Glebe Estate by the Commonwealth of Australia in 1974. Forty years on the estate is again showing signs of significant ‘wear and tear’ and depredation by the forces of nature.

Community BBQ for White Ribbon Campaign – 24th Nov.

Community BBQ for White Ribbon Campaign – 24th Nov.
Posted on 17th November 2014

The White Ribbon Campaign is an Australia wide campaign aimed at stopping violence against women.  Glebe, like many communities, wants to reduce the incidence of this happening locally, so a community barbeque to inform and spread awareness of this unacceptable practice has been organised. It will take place on Monday 24th November between 3.30 and […]

Residents celebrate 40th anniversary of Glebe Estate

Residents celebrate 40th anniversary of Glebe Estate
Posted on 23rd October 2014

Residents and friends celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the Glebe Estate on Friday 10 October 2014 at a street party at the corner of Catherine and Mt Vernon Streets, Glebe. VIPs who attended included Jamie Parker (State MP for Balmain), Tania Plibersek (Federal MP for Sydney and Deputy Leader of the Opposition), Cr Robyn Kemmis […]

Glebe Ambassador Project

Glebe Ambassador Project
Posted on 23rd September 2014

The Glebe Society Ambassador Project commenced in 2013. Our Ambassadors offer their services to local groups that would benefit from their experience and expertise. Here is a story from one member, Geraldine Barnes.

40th anniversary of the Glebe Estate

40th anniversary of the Glebe Estate
Posted on 23rd September 2014

Community interest continues in the 40th Anniversary of the Glebe Lands (Appropriation) Act (1974) and the Park (corner of Catherine St and Mt Vernon St) which commemorates the salvation of the Glebe Estate.

Elsie – 40 years On Yet the Fight Is Still Not Won
Posted on 23rd September 2014

The wet weather didn’t deter more than 200 people gathering at Minogue Park, Glebe on Friday 29 August at ‘high noon’. They were there to make their voices heard; voicing protests about the state government’s changes to the delivery of Women’s Services.

Volunteer wanted for Glebe Community Development Project

Volunteer wanted for Glebe Community Development Project
Posted on 13th August 2014

Volunteer wanted for Glebe Community Development Project A driver is required for the 4th of September 2014 at 9:00am to drive a class from St James Primary School to Sydney University. As there are 30 children and the bus only seats 22 we will need to do two trips. The driver needs to be an […]

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2013/2014
Posted on 31st July 2014

The FLAG ‘Community Stress’ working committee, on which the Glebe Society was represented, reported in Sept 2013; identifying four potential responses to this community problem. Two potential means to address issues raised were: firstly, in the short term, to expand the community BBQ program, specifically targeted at areas where community cohesion appears least successful, and […]

Glebe Public School Fence Art Launch

Glebe Public School Fence Art Launch
Posted on 27th October 2008

Launching of "Skippedy Skip" fance art work etc

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