July 2022 – The Glebe Society

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Monthly Archives: July 2022

From the President

Posted on 7th July 2022

An update on what’s been happening in the last month, including recent and upcoming Glebe Society Guided Walks, musings on Glebe’s radical history, and info about Hands Off Glebe’s upcoming screening of the movie, ‘The Public’.

Glebe’s Blue Plaque Nominations (Part 5): 97 Derwent St, once home of Bessie Guthrie

Posted on 6th July 2022

In September last year the NSW Government called for communities to nominate places linked to notable personalities and events for recognition as part of the NSW Blue Plaques program. The Glebe Society made a number of nominations. The fifth site nominated by the Society is 97 Derwent St Glebe, lifelong home of Bessie Guthrie (1905-1977), designer, publisher, feminist and campaigner for children’s rights.

Preschoolers get up close to invertebrates in the classroom

Posted on 6th July 2022

Last year, courtesy of a grant from the Glebe Society, Explore and Develop Annandale Early Learning Centre acquired several new invertebrates. The animals were quickly adopted into the school menagerie.

Have you caught the ferry yet?

Posted on 7th July 2022

Use it or lose it! The trial of the Blackwattle Bay ferry continues. Find out what you can do to help make the service permanant.

Community planting for National Tree Day

Posted on 7th July 2022

Celebrate National Tree Day on Sunday 31 July by attending the tree planting event at Federal Park.

33rd Annual Glebe Music Festival – Saturday 4 November to Sunday 27 November

Posted on 7th July 2022

The 33rd Annual Glebe Music Festival will take place from Saturday 4 November to Sunday 27 November. The program this year consists of eight concerts, ranging from blues to baroque. See the program and booking links.

Glebe Art Show 2022 – Character of Glebe Prize

Posted on 6th July 2022

This year’s Glebe Art Show had176 entries from local artists in Glebe, Forest Lodge and the Inner West – and record sales! The Character of Glebe prize, sponsored by the Glebe Society, was awarded to Julie Keech for her watercolour, Glebe Point Rd, Streetscape.

Chaos on Bridge Rd ahead

Posted on 6th July 2022

What happens when you move a busy fish market, visited daily by hundreds of trucks and vans, buses and thousands of private vehicles, from a side street to a major arterial road? Traffic chaos, with an expected double the number of customers as the current Sydney Fish Market and almost double the retail space. The Glebe Society has also deep concerns about the impact of early morning fish industry traffic. The new market will have one vehicular entrance, opposite Wentworth Park Rd.

Harold Park Community Hall to host Pyrmont Community Centre

Posted on 7th July 2022

Community spaces – centres, town halls, libraries – belong to us, and must operate for our benefit; they should not be treated by Council as revenue raisers. Friends of Pyrmont Community Centre are celebrating a victory in their campaign for an alternative home while Pyrmont Community Centre closes for 70 weeks for renovations. Many of its regular events are moving to the Harold Park Community Hall at the Tramsheds. Glebeites and Forest Lodgers are welcome to attend.

Mystery photo – July 2022

Posted on 7th July 2022

Try your hand at this month’s mystery photo.

Who worked in your street? Gordon Page Barton (1929-2005)

Posted on 7th July 2022

No.1 Arundel St Forest Lodge was once the offices of express transport giant, IPEC. Gordon Barton and Greg Farrell bought the Adelaide-based Interstate Parcel Express Company (IPEC) in 1962, and grew the business into the multinational express freight company it is today.

Glebe Society Guided Walk: ‘Radical Glebe’ – a report

Posted on 7th July 2022

The ‘Radical Glebe’ Guided Walk took place on 5 July. Meredith Bergmann, along with her long-term student friends and fellow activists Helen Randerson and Heather Goodall, shared their personal insights and contributions to the many aspects of Glebe during the 60s and 70s.

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