Monthly Archives: September 2017

Damage to Mangroves in the Mangrove Area of Bicentennial Park
Posted on 7th September 2017Damage to some of the saplings has occurred recently and I suspect dogs. So dog owners please keep your dogs out of the area and if you see dogs in the area, please alert their owners to the potential for damage.

Communications Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17
Posted on 7th September 2017Our main activity over the past year has been to oversee the Society’s various media – the Bulletin, websites, Facebook pages, Twitter, YouTube, email update to members and Eventbrite.

Bays and Foreshores Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17
Posted on 7th September 2017Bays Precinct Urban Renewal Project; Sydney Fishmarket; Relocation of Occasional Cruises to Bank St; Industrial Operations to Glebe Island; Masterplan for the Bays Market District; and Google departs White Bay.

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17
Posted on 7th September 2017Appeal from a carer/mother of an intellectually disabled young Glebe adult came to our attention; Christmas gifts for families at the Elsie refuge again last year; ‘Shaping the Future of Glebe’ Forum; Glebe Tram Mural; and Glebe Exchange Platform.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-17
Posted on 7th September 2017Alienation of public land for Blackwattle Bay Marina (trading as All Occasion Cruises) and plastic bags and non-recyclable coffee cups in Glebe.

The Shared Cycle and Pedestrian Foreshore Path
Posted on 7th September 2017We have some concerns about the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on the shared cycle and pedestrian path that runs along the foreshore of Blackwattle Bay from the end of Glebe Point Road to Bridge Road.

Why Orphan School Creek is Important
Posted on 7th September 2017Fifty years ago the bays’ foreshores, and all the watercourses that drained into them, were lined with industrial uses, most of them in terminal decline, and many already defunct and derelict. The biggest drain was the concreted Johnstons Creek. At the Children’s Hospital, Camperdown, it was joined by a tributary, Orphan School Creek.

Draft Planning Changes for 2-32 Junction Street, Forest Lodge
Posted on 7th September 2017Proposed changes for this key development site are being exhibited for comment on the Sydney Your Say website until 4 September.

Public Meeting on Record Reign Hall
Posted on 7th September 2017About thirty residents turned out to hear about the proposal for a 68-place Childcare Centre to be located in this remarkable Late Victorian Church Hall, a Heritage Item and landmark that has served the Glebe community in many capacities over it long life.

The Glebe Society’s 48th AGM
Posted on 7th September 2017Forty-three members attended the 48th Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 20 August in the Glebe Town Hall.
After the formalities, the guest speaker, Senior Constable Renee Fortuna, spoke to the members about her work with the youth of Glebe.