August 2015 – The Glebe Society

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Monthly Archives: August 2015

Vale Kevin Cook, First Indigenous Head of Tranby College

Posted on 29th August 2015

Saturday 25 July 2015 was a sad day. Kevin Cook, the first Indigenous head of Tranby Aboriginal College in Glebe, had died. He is much missed, a friend, comrade and inspiration.

The Late Les McMahon – A Good Friend to the Glebe Society

Posted on 29th August 2015

Les McMahon, who died in January this year, was a Glebe boy, born and bred. With his passing, the Society has lost a foundation supporter and a firm friend.

The Naming of Dave Sands Lane

Posted on 29th August 2015

The opening of Dave Sands Lane that took place on Sunday 26 July. The lane, which is at the rear of 17-31 Phillip St, is the third lane that the Society has had a hand in naming, with Bernard Lane and Melina Lane preceding this one. The lane was officially opened by Robyn Kemmis, Deputy Lord Mayor. Below is an extract from Robyn’s speech:

Planning Report (September 2015)

Posted on 29th August 2015

Glebe Affordable Housing site, Cowper St, Harold Park Consultation and Durham Court, 417 Glebe Point Rd

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Community Development Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Posted on 29th August 2015

A number of community issues in which the Glebe Society has been engaged have occurred over the past year in Glebe.

Communications Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-2015

Posted on 29th August 2015

The Communications Subcommittee coordinates and oversees the various communication activities of the Glebe Society including the Bulletin, websites and social media (such as Facebook and Twitter).

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2014 -2015

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2014 -2015

Posted on 29th August 2015

Transport and traffic matters this year were dominated by the WestConnex project, the $15 billion road and tunnel tollway announced by the State Government back in 2012 which is now being constructed.

Valuing our Local Suppliers

Posted on 29th August 2015

Food security is a major environmental issue on a global scale. Food waste is a big part of that problem with waste occurring at all stages of production, distribution and consumption. The Bulletin interviewed well-known local fruit and vegetable supplier, Joe Galluzzo, on his experience of the effects of the supermarket chains on the trade.

New book by Sandra Darroch (Glebe Society’s First Secretary)

New book by Sandra Darroch (Glebe Society’s First Secretary)

Posted on 14th August 2015

Sandra Darroch’s new book on electricity (‘Power for the People – An Uncensored Story of Electricity in Australia 1770-2015’) shows, ever since governments, State and Federal, got their sticky fingers on the power-stations, the ‘poles-and-wires’, and the electricity retailers – the three elements of the energy-supply chain – they have refused to pass on these savings, and instead have ripped off the consumer unconscionably and outrageously.

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Environment Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Posted on 14th August 2015

In 2014-15 the Environment Subcommittee participated in the city-wide ‘Garage Sale Trail’ and took part in consultation and feedback processes on two of the City’s major sustainability policies.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-2015

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-2015

Posted on 14th August 2015

The heritage environment in NSW remains tenuous at best. Growth projects are being touted as ‘transformative’ but at what cost? A significant number of communities are already expressing alarm about potential impacts on their local heritage.

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Blue Wren Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Posted on 14th August 2015

Are there any blue wrens in Glebe? The answer over the past year is ‘sometimes’. During our second annual spring bird survey on Sunday 26 October 2014, local residents in Jarocin Ave reported that blue wrens, both male and female, are seen in their garden from time to time.

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Planning Subcommittee Annual Report 2014-15

Posted on 14th August 2015

The last year has been dominated by big issues and matters of policy rather than specific development proposals, although there are always plenty of minor ones to keep a Planning Convenor on his toes.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee – August 2015

Posted on 14th August 2015

Sophie Golding, Urban Ecology Coordinator, City of Sydney attended our meeting on 30 June 2015. Sophie reported that the establishment of the new park adjacent to the Harold Park development was close to the planting stage.

Planning Report (August 2015)

Posted on 14th August 2015

Commonwealth Bank, Harold Part, Federal Park Childcare, 10 Bridge Road and Durham Court

Report on the New Members’ night

Posted on 14th August 2015

New members were warmly welcomed to the Glebe Society at the Harold Park Hotel on July 22, a chilly evening. Introductions and reconnections were made over drinks, then eating and more drinking around tables where the challenges began!

The Naming of Dave Sands Lane

Posted on 14th August 2015

On Sunday 26 July a large number of people gathered at 27 Broughton St, Glebe for a ceremony to celebrate a well-known Australian sportsman. The champion boxer, Dave Sands was honoured when the nearby lane was named in his memory.

NAIDOC Week in Glebe

Posted on 14th August 2015

NAIDOC in Glebe has grown to encompass a full week of activities over the last few years and has, in the process, become a great opportunity for all of Glebe to celebrate together

Friends of Centipede

Friends of Centipede

Posted on 14th August 2015

The sole purpose of this Friends group, commenced under the auspices of the Glebe Society, is to raise much-needed additional funding for Centipede, a not-for-profit Before and After School Care Centre.

The Dirty Red Digger

The Dirty Red Digger

Posted on 14th August 2015

On a wet and windy Saturday 4 July a small audience enjoyed an amazing pastiche performance at the Glebe Town Hall.

Glebe Music Festival 2015

Glebe Music Festival 2015

Posted on 11th August 2015

The 26th Annual Glebe Music Festival 6th to 22nd November 2015  In conjunction with the Glebe Society, And supported by the City of Sydney Artistic Director Dr E. David G. McIntosh AM AMusA   Concert 1: Friday 6th November at 7pm, Gleebooks (49 Glebe Point Rd): Musical Cabaret with Rex Melville (vocals) and David […]

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