Monthly Archives: June 2012

Bays Precinct Taskforce – Proposed Recommendations from Community Representative
Posted on 30th June 2012Click here to read the report.

Submission to Federal Government’s Australian Heritage Strategy
Posted on 25th June 2012The Glebe Society has responded to the Federal Government’s call for proposals about an Australian Heritage Strategy with a submission that argued that an expanded role for community organisations is needed; addressed the questions set out in the consultation report and by using the Glebe Society as a case of what could be done, showed how this might be funded and arranged.

New Members Welcome event – 13th July
Posted on 16th June 2012An event will be held on Friday 13th July to welcome all new members who have joined during the previous 12 months. The event will be held on Friday 13th July at 6pm till 8pm, at the Harold Park Hotel, with some fun entertainment planned for the evening. $20 per head, but no charge for new members.

NAIDOC Week event – Lunch & Film at Tranby – 5th July
Posted on 15th June 2012For NAIDOC Week, Tranby Aboriginal College is proud to host an informal lunch in honour of local Elders, from both the Aboriginal and white communities of Glebe, to celebrate their stories and to encourage community spirit. The lunch will be held at Tranby from 11.30 – 2.30, and will be followed by a short film.

NAIDOC Week events in Glebe – 1st to 8th July
Posted on 1st June 2012NAIDOC Week will be celebrated in Glebe from 1st to 8th July. NAIDOC week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Events held in Glebe during NAIDOC week will include a Corroboree night, a Family Day and the Elders Lunch. Click here to see the full program.

2012 Australian Honours List – 2 recipients from Glebe
Posted on 12th June 2012The 2012 Honours List for 11th June includes two local residents, including a member of The Glebe Society. Congratulations to both of them.

NAIDOC event – Glebe History Ride – 1st July
Posted on 1st June 2012The NAIDOC Glebe Committee will provide a Glebe History Ride, with two sessions starting from Tranby College on Family Day, 1st July at 12 and 2pm. This interactive bus tour of the Glebe area will be from an Aboriginal historical perspective. Book in to be surprised and informed about the rich history of the Glebe area and many local stories, and will incorporate sites listed on Council’s Barani Barrabugu Historical Walking Tour.