Monthly Archives: March 2010

Listen to Nigel Helyer talk about the Wireless House
Posted on 21st March 2010Dr. Nigel Helyer is the renowned sound artist who is responsible for the redevelopment of the Wireless House at Foley Park. An event was held at Foley Park on 21st March to mark its opening and Nigel Helyer spoke about how it was saved from demolition and then brought back to life. You can hear his talk here.

Watch the “puppies” run and help a good cause
Posted on 15th March 2010A cocktail party was held at Wentworth Park on Thursday, 25 March, to raise funds for the annual Christmas lunch for the less privileged members of the Glebe community.

Listen to John Newton’s talk at the Glebe Point Diner
Posted on 21st March 2010John Newton, journalist and restaurant reviewer, was The Glebe Society’s guest speaker at a dinner at The Glebe Point Diner on 16th March. He gave all those present a fascinating talk describing many of the early and recent restaurants in Glebe. You can now listen to John’s talk here.

Re-Launch of the Foley Park Wireless House – 21st March
Posted on 11th March 2010A re-launch of the Foley Park Wireless House was held on Sunday 21st March.

Plans for Harold Park unveiled – have your say!
Posted on 2nd March 2010Click on “read more and comment” (below) to read about plans unveilled recently (February) by the Sydney City Council for the future development of Harold Park, and learn how to make your views heard. Also read about current developments with regard to the Bays Precinct (Rozelle and Blackwattle Bays).