Johnstons Creek – The Glebe Society

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Article Topic: Johnstons Creek

Work underway on the Glebe’s Hill biodiversity project

The grant cheque is in the bank and the Glebe’s Hill biodiversity research project is ready to go. Andrew Wood sets out the work plan for the project, including opportunities for local community members to get involved.

What and where is ‘The Hill’?

‘The Hill’ is a fenced-off area of contaminated Crown land on the northern side of the Tramsheds near the Jubilee Park light rail station. The site of a local garbage tip in the 1890s, the Glebe Society has recommended that it should become an undisturbed urban nature refuge.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee

The main news was the celebration on October 19 of Norma Hawkins’ 99th birthday and the planting of a tree in her honour. In other news, the Council has released for comment its Draft Plans of Management for Glebe’s crown lands and Sydney Water’s naturalisation work on the Johnstons creek/canal has been completed.

Glebe’s environmental assets

Eva Ancher, who is in Year 6 at school, lives in Glebe. Read her thoughts on the our local environment.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee

Find out about the 2021 Biodiversity Lecture, the great work done by Sydney Secondary College helped by the 2019 Craney Small Grant, and everything else the Subcommittee has been up to!

Progress on Johnstons Creek naturalisation

Construction started in January 2020 and is expected to finish mid-2021, weather permitting (according to Sydney Water’s website).

Painted River Project – Updated

The year six students at Forest Lodge have a tradition of leaving a gift for the students who follow them. The plan this year is for a mural featuring Johnstons Creek

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