Bridge Rd cycleway – The Glebe Society

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Article Topic: Bridge Rd cycleway

Council debates Bridge Road cycleway

Deletions, amendments and additions – all in a night’s work for a City of Sydney Council meeting. But a motion to request greater concern for safety in the construction of the Bridge Road cycleway took a very different form after one Councillor took his pen to it.

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2022-2023

Continuing complaints by residents about the Bridge Road cycleway, and concern about the extra traffic generated by the new Sydney Fish Market, are issues covered in this report.

What’s happening with the Bridge Rd cycleway

The Society met recently with representatives of Transport NSW to discuss the problems with the Bridge Rd cycleway and to get an update on proposed improvements. The Management Committee is particularly concerned about the stretch of cycleway between Glebe Point Rd and Ross St because of safety for cyclists and amenity for residents. We note that not all our members share this view. Your feedback is welcome.

More Cycleway Madness

The Lord Mayor and NSW Minister for Transport seem uninterested in community opinion on the issue of the Bridge Road cycleway and are determined to make it permanent. The City Council also has a plan to allow cyclists to go both ways down some one-way streets in Glebe and Forest Lodge.
Bridge Road resident Di Anstey writes about the unresolved safety, parking and drop off issues associated with the cycleway and asks why St Johns Road couldn’t be an alternative route.

Running the gauntlet on the Bridge Rd cycleway

The Bridge Rd pop-up cycleway was a temporary expedient initiated in September 2020. At the end of March this year the NSW Minister for Active Transport, Rob Stokes, announced it was to be made permanent despite there being no solution to the many safety and access issues. The government must reverse its decision.

Bridge Rd cycleway – updates

Access issues for residents and safety issues for cyclists remain unresolved. Lord Mayor Clover Moore’s statement about usage of the cycleway are challenged.

Transport & Traffic Report for 2020-2021

The Management Committee continued working in transport and traffic matters even though the subcommittee did not have a convenor in 2020-2021. Particular concerns were the traffic associated with the building of the new Fish Markets and the Bridge Rd cycleway.

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