Brian Fuller, Heritage Convenor, Bulletin 5/2021 July 2021
Members may recall a joint initiative of the Glebe Society, Millers Point Residents Action Group and the Paddington Society, requesting the City of Sydney to initiate educational programs for owners of heritage homes (unlisted or listed) in our Heritage Conservation Areas who are seeking to maintain, restore or preserve their homes.
Despite some early promises the initiative has had a slow gestation, held back due to budgetary issues followed by COVID.
Finally on the back of Council’s website providing advice to residents about paint colours and solar panels in Heritage Conservation Areas, and a meeting between Councillors Jess Scully and Philip Thalis together with Janet Wahlquist, Brain Fuller and Ian Stephenson of the Society, Council is progressing to broaden the scope of the advice to residents.
Whilst still in the early stages of fruition, Council’s resolution at its meeting of 17 May can be read here
We look forward to this initiative becoming a reality, further enhancing the ‘City of Villages’ that we enjoy.
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