Monthly Archives: February 2023

Welcome to the new look Bulletin
Posted on 26th February 2023The Bulletin has a new format. Instead of being emailed to you as a pdf document, the publication is now sent by Mailchimp. Each story has its own headline and an introductory paragraph like this one and then a link (‘read more’) to the full story. You can still find a complete pdf of the latest Bulletin on the website under Latest Bulletin.

We need a commitment by Government to restore Glebe Island Bridge
Posted on 28th February 2023The old nursery rhyme goes: “London Bridge is falling down”, and the song could be suitably modified to refer to the tragic state of the Glebe Island Bridge today. In this article the former President of the Glebe Society, Janet Wahlquist, calls for a commitment from NSW politicians seeking election on March 25 to guarantee funding for the renovation of the Bridge as a priority.

Original porch substantially retained
Posted on 28th February 2023The Society has successfully submitted that the adaptation of the front porch of St James Hall, Woolley St, be redesigned to retain as much as possible of the original porch. A sensible decision.

News from the Blue Wrens
Posted on 27th February 2023‘The Hill’ is a fenced-off area of contaminated Crown land on the northern side of the Tramsheds at Forest Lodge. The Glebe Society has successfully applied for a grant from the City of Sydney to sponsor the recording of wildlife with a view to creating an undisturbed urban nature refuge in the Johnstons Creek corridor, where plants and native wildlife are protected from disturbance.

Centipede Needs Your Help
Posted on 27th February 2023Centipede is an out-of-school hours program operating at Glebe Public School, providing an essential service available to all children in the Glebe community. Centipede reflects the diversity of the community, with a large number of families coming from lower socioeconomic households.

International Women’s Day Cultural Food Experience
Posted on 27th February 2023To celebrate International Women’s Day a gathering has been planned at St Helen’s Community Centre on Wednesday 8 March from 11.45am to 3.00pm. Numbers are limited – you’ll need to book.

Welcoming the Year of the Water Rabbit
Posted on 27th February 2023Residents and visitors to Glebe may be aware of the Sze Yup Temple at the northern end of the suburb between Victoria Road and Eglington Lane. As historian Lyn Collingwood relates in this article, the spiritual and cultural centre was thronged with visitors in February to celebrate the Chinese New Year