Jude Paul, Secretary, Bulletin 7/2021 September
For the past few months, Glebe Society monthly Management Committee meetings have been held via Zoom. At our August meeting, the Committee decided to proceed with the AGM at 11 am on 10 October 2021, to ensure the Society complies with its legislative requirements. Unfortunately, this will be a ‘Business Only’ meeting by Zoom, and with none of the additional features the Society likes to provide for members, including a guest speaker and a chance for members to catch up later over a glass/cup of something. I’m sure members understand that this decision is based on the uncertainty surrounding our ongoing COVID restrictions.
Nomination forms for membership of the Management Committee should be returned to the Secretary by 1 October 2021, either to PO Box 100 Glebe 2037 or email to secretary@glebesociety.org.au . The names and contact details of the current members of the Management Committee are listed at the back of the Bulletin and here. I’m sure any one of these people would be happy to answer questions people may have if they are interested in nominating for a role.
Closer to the meeting date, the President will circulate the relevant papers for this meeting and details of how members can participate by Zoom if they are interested.
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