December 2020 – The Glebe Society

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Monthly Archives: December 2020

Brush Turkey sightings!

Posted on 29th December 2020

It seems they are everywhere…

Update on Bridge Rd cycleway: Council and State Government drag their feet on serious safety concerns

Posted on 29th December 2020

The cycleway remains dangerous and neither the City nor the State Government has explained how and when the problems will be addressed.

NSW Heritage protection is flawed

Posted on 29th December 2020

When the NSW Heritage Act was introduced in 1977 it was a turning point in the protection of our built heritage. However, all is not as it should be, and important heritage listed buildings in Glebe continue to deteriorate.

News from the Blue Wren Subcommittee

Posted on 29th December 2020

Updates about recent activities of the Society’s busy Blue Wren subcommittee and volunteers.

Heritage Conservation Areas – Repainting Guidelines

Posted on 29th December 2020

Thinking of repainting? The City of Sydney has guidelines for repainting, if your house is in a heritage conservation area.

Plans to shrink the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area will undermine heritage values, liveability and amenity

Posted on 29th December 2020

The Society has lodged an objection the NSW Government s plans to remove the parts of the St Phillips Heritage Conservation Area, paving the way for building heights up to the equivalent of eight storeys. T

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