2017 – Page 2 – The Glebe Society

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Yearly Archives: 2017

UrbanGrowth Consultation on Bays

Posted on 29th July 2017

UrbanGrowth NSW will be seeking feedback on draft principles that will inform the creation of a masterplan for the Bays Market District, including a rejuvenated Sydney Fish Market.

President’s 2017 AGM Report

Posted on 25th August 2017

By Allan Hogan, August 20, 2017. It’s been a busy year for the Society, with many notable achievements, but we’re not sitting on our laurels, there are ongoing issues that require continuing attention.

Transport and Traffic Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-2017

Posted on 28th July 2017

This has been a busy year for the Transport and Traffic Group. We have been involved with several matters including working to limit the adverse impact of the WestConnex project on Glebe and Forest Lodge, seeking improvements to the cycle amenities in our suburb and making our concerns known to the State Government about its proposal to privatise our bus services.

Heritage Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-2017

Posted on 28th July 2017

In Sydney, we are currently mired in an era of rush-to-build. It is a given that arguments for better public transport and more social and affordable housing in Sydney are not disputed. And yes, the issues are complex. But the problem is the abject willingness of government to abandon their own heritage principles and conservation areas and displace long-standing communities in order to ‘cut through’.

Blue Wrens Subcommittee Annual Report 2016-2017

Posted on 28th July 2017

Five landcare/bushcare groups worked in Glebe throughout the year to support the establishment and maintenance of biodiversity in our suburb’s parks.

Planning Subcommittee Annual Planning Report 2016-2017

Posted on 28th July 2017

Some of the most significant changes of 2017 have had no direct impact on Glebe, though they will certainly have flow-on effects. WestConnex will not go near Glebe, though its impact on some nearby suburbs is already obvious.

Our Greenest Greengrocer – Glebe’s Galluzzos

Posted on 28th July 2017

The well-known Glebe institution, Galluzzo Fruiterers, is arguably the greenest greengrocer in Sydney.

Glenlea: First ‘Our House’ Event Was a Sell-out Success!’

Posted on 28th July 2017

The first ‘Our House’ event was held at Glenlea, 4 Mary St Glebe on Sunday 9 July. It was a great success with 50 members enjoying the view across Blackwattle Bay on a beautiful sunshine filled Sunday afternoon in the beautifully restored Glenlea.

Invitation to the Glebe Society’s 48th AGM

Posted on 28th July 2017

All members of the Society, and especially new members, are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society at Glebe Town Hall, St Johns Rd Glebe on Sunday 20 August at 11am.

An Exchange Platform for Glebe?

Posted on 26th July 2017

It is Janice Challinor’s belief that many people would willingly donate useful goods to others who could use them if a relatively easy way of doing so could be found. To this end, she’s been investigating how it might be done.

Letter to the Premier on the privatisation of bus services

Posted on 25th July 2017

Attached is our letter to the NSW Premier questioning the Government’s recent decision to appoint a private operator to run the Glebe and Forest Lodge bus services.

Letter to the City of Sydney on cycle ways

Posted on 25th July 2017

Attached is our submission to the City of Sydney seeking an improvement to the cycling amenities in Glebe and Forest Lodge. The City is currently reviewing the outcome of its 10 year plan to build a network of integrated cycle ways in central Sydney.

What Are We Going To Do about Plastic Bags?

Posted on 29th June 2017

Lightweight supermarket bags are used, on average, for 12 minutes. But they take hundreds, perhaps 1,000, years to break down.
Far too many plastic bags end up as litter. In the water the bags become a danger to marine life. Glebe, as a waterfront suburb, has a special responsibility to ban plastic bags.

One-of-a-kind 1871 Photographs of Strathmore

Posted on 29th June 2017

The Glebe Society was very fortunate to have been shown two photos of Strathmore [1] (once the home of George Wigram Allen). They seem to be the only existing photographic records of Strathmore as a two-storey building.

Planning Report (June 2017)

Posted on 29th June 2017

16 Creek Street Forest Lodge, 1 Ferry Road, new park for Harold Park and childcare at Record Reign Hall.

Another Dud Decision on Transport

Posted on 29th June 2017

The NSW Government recently announced its decision to privatise the bus services in Glebe and Forest Lodge. The concern is that privatising bus routes will mean a decline in services.

Design Team Appointed for Fish Markets Redevelopment

Posted on 29th June 2017

The Premier’s announcement that a Danish architectural firm, 3XN (with Australian partners) has been selected from a short list of six contenders to design the new Sydney Fish Markets is important and potentially positive news.

Video of Glebe Point Road in 1913

Posted on 29th June 2017

We have recently uploaded to our YouTube channel an extract from a 1913 silent film with some great footage of Glebe Point Rd.

Interpretative Walk in Orphan School Creek

Posted on 29th June 2017

To celebrate World Environment Day, Sophie Golding, Urban Ecology Coordinator with City of Sydney, facilitated a guided walk through Orphan School Creek, Forest Lodge on Sunday 4 June.

Retention of Dying Ficus in Jubilee Park

Posted on 29th June 2017

Last year a Ficus obliqua (Moreton Bay Fig) in Jubilee Park, close to the western entrance to the light rail tunnel in Victoria St, had almost died. The Society wrote to the City asking that the tree be retained and made safe by pruning The City accepted our request and the Ficus has now been expertly pruned and we look forward to seeing its use by Glebe’s native fauna.

Professor Chris Dickman and Does Your Moggie Have a Bib?

Posted on 29th June 2017

At Benledi on 24 May, Professor Chris Dickman, Professor in Ecology from the University of Sydney, spoke to 34 members and their friends about the ‘Impacts and local management of cats, dogs and foxes’. Cats have had a devastating effect on Australia’s smallest mouse-like marsupials.

Bidura Site Re-development (Updated)

Posted on 27th June 2017

A new Development Application for the Vision Land’s planned development of the Bidura site has been lodged with the City of Sydney. Read the Glebe Society’s submission on the proposal.

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – June 2017

News from the Blue Wrens Subcommittee – June 2017

Posted on 4th June 2017

Insurance for Glebe’s Landcare and Bushcare Groups and
Interpretative walk in Orphan School Creek Park

Harold Park, Harold Park ?!?

Posted on 4th June 2017

No, the heading above is not a typographical error. City of Sydney is proposing to name the newly created park in the Harold Park development, ‘Harold Park’. Is it just us, or is this very confusing?

Tramsheds Wins the National Trust’s ‘Adaptive Re-use’ Heritage Award

Posted on 4th June 2017

Congratulations to Mirvac for receiving one of the National Trust’s Heritage Awards for the adaptive re-use of the Rozelle Tram Depot.

‘Books, Billiards, Fruit Machines’ by Lyn Collingwood

Posted on 24th May 2017

As part of Glebe Library’s 20th anniversary celebrations, actors Lyn Collingwood, Elaine Hudson and Kim Knuckey gave a PowerPoint presentation. This is the edited script.

Max Solling’s 2017 Anzac Day address

Max Solling’s 2017 Anzac Day address

Posted on 25th May 2017

This is the speech which Max Solling gave at the Anzac Day ceremony at the Glebe Diggers’ Memorial in April.

Cold Case of the Missing Palms Solved

Posted on 28th May 2017

A story in the Bulletin from 30 years ago (Bulletin 3 of 1987) concerns a case of five missing Washingtonia palms, which apparently went missing from the corner of Wigram Rd and Glebe Point Rd, the site of the former Children’s Hospital. Where are these trees today?

ANZAC Day 2017

Posted on 26th April 2017

Soon after dawn on Anzac Day, around 60 early-risers gathered at the Diggers Memorial in Foley Park for the annual Anzac Day Service.

What about the Park at Harold Park?

Posted on 1st May 2017

Locals will have noticed that turfing and tree planting in the open space at Harold Park, from the Tramsheds to Wigram Rd, was completed some months ago, and people are asking: ‘When will the park be opened?’

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