Orphan School Creek Bushcare volunteers enjoying a COVID-safe morning tea after work (photo: Judy Christie)

by Andrew Wood, Blue Wren Subcommittee Convenor, August 2022, from Bulletin 6/2022

The Society’s annual spring bird survey will be held on Sunday, 23 October commencing in Paddy Gray Reserve in Hereford St at 7.30 am. All Society members and friends are welcome to help with the survey – please contact Judy Christie if you would like to attend.

The Orphan School Creek Bushcare Group held a successful planting day on Saturday, 25 June 2022, and their next one will be on the morning of Saturday, 6 August (contact oscbushcare@gmail.com if you would like to attend). There remains a need for signage at the site to state its importance for establishing biodiversity in the City and acknowledging the work of the bushcare volunteers. Local residents have removed and at times excessively pruned recently planted native flora, demonstrating the continued necessity for the education of our citizens so that they understand and appreciate biodiversity in our inner-city pocket parks.

Plaque at Olympian Way, Jubilee Park

The City has agreed to prune foliage and mulch the area around the plaque in Jubilee Park commemorating the award of an Olympic Landcare Grant. Also, the City has been informed about the recent flooding of the western part of Federal Park. The Glebe Palmerston and Surrounds Landcare Group has considered renaming the landcare sites from Palmerston Steps to an Indigenous name or that of a local identity.

Nick Sangster, a member of the Subcommittee, will meet with Jenny Kent, the City’s Community Gardens and Volunteer Coordinator, to discuss the formation of a new local volunteer bushcare/landcare group in Harold Park.



Orphan School Creek, Habitat Haven, Wood Street, Forest Lodge (photo: Judy Christie)