Although a longstanding member of the Glebe Society I have only recently troubled to read the Society’s constitution and understand its motivation. Mostly, as I read these documents, I see that the Society wants to support Glebe in many ways. Given this, perhaps I can make a pitch to support our wonderful local businesses, especially the small businesses, mainly along Glebe Point Road, but also elsewhere. The architectural heritage of Glebe is critical, but the overall character of Glebe is in its diversity and the ‘vibe’ provided by small business.

Our local businesses, especially the small ones, have served us well over many years, and especially during COVID, when home deliveries were made and contact retained. Many of the business workers and owners know the locals well, are an important point of social interaction and have shown an understanding of issues affecting us, as we should understand theirs. Probably the recent road and other refurbishments were a real challenge to the businesses. I am sure in the long term all will be good, but we need to be aware of the day to day challenges that businesses suffer from these necessary improvements. 

Glebe Point Road (Photo: Beryl Hesketh)

I have witnessed business owners spending lots of time talking to local residents, caring for them, asking about their health and so much more. Community members also care about the workers and owners of small businesses. It is special living in Glebe where we have a vibrant, although struggling, small business community, and a latent sense of care. Let’s support our small businesses when we can – they look after us. Together we may be able to offer more to any locals who may be in need.

Beryl Hesketh