The Artistic Director of the Glebe Music Festival, Dr E. David McIntosh AM AMusA, is also an infectious diseases specialist and vaccinologist. He is based in London, Amsterdam and Brasilia, and is currently developing vaccines against the pandemic coronavirus.

Because of the travel restrictions to and from Australia, David has had to cancel the visits by the baroque oboe player Jane Downer from Oxford, the cabaret singer Rex Melville from London, the Dutch mezzo-soprano Claire Munting, the Bulgarian concert pianist Evgeny Genchev and the Brasilian fashion designer Ray Agnus de Lima Soares.

David McIntosh, Artistic Director of the Glebe Music Festival as well as an infectious diseases specialist and vaccinologist (photo: YouTube)

In November this year, the Glebe Music Festival will be centred around the weekend Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 November as follows:

Concert 1: Saturday 21 November at 3pm, Glebe Town Hall: Fiona McMillan Sydney Baroque Players historic instruments: flute, oboe/oboe d’amore, horn and bassoon. Tickets $20/$10.

Concert 2: Saturday 21 November at 7pm, Glebe Town Hall: Thoroughbass directed by Diana Weston with soprano Anna Fraser in a programme ‘Bach to Bach’ including works for viola da gamba, harpsichord and voice, by JS Bach, Handel, Bononcini, CF Abel and JC Bach, with a focus on the London connections of two pairs of composers. Tickets $20/$10.

Concert 3: Sunday 22 November at 3pm, Glebe Town Hall: Josie and the Emeralds St Cecilia concert. Tickets $35/$25.

Tickets will be available at the door, although advance bookings are advisable. The concerts will be recorded and possibly live-streamed (more information on that later). Tickets can be booked through Trybooking:

1. Fiona McMillan Sydney Baroque Players

2. Thoroughbass, Diana Weston, Anna Fraser:

3. Josie and the Emeralds: