Glebe Society Bulletin April 2021
From Janet Wahlquist, President: The Bridge Rd Pop-Up Cycleway survey by Transport NSW ended on 29 March. The Survey gave participants few options in their answers so it is questionable whether all the issues of concern will be addressed. We await the results.
The Minister for Transport, Andrew Constance, in a radio interview on 18 March with Ben Fordham on 2GB, discussed the current consultation. He agreed that parts of the cycleway don’t even join up. He said he would be happy to move the cycleway in Glebe to another location if one can be found that didn’t create other problems elsewhere.
From Jude Paul, Secretary: Members recently received an update from the President which included a link to the Transport for NSW survey. The reply date for this survey was 29 March 2021. This survey said ‘we are inviting the community to share their views about the pop-up cycleway before any decisions are made on future plans’. I was pleased to receive the President’s Update because this was the first I knew about it, despite living on Glebe Point Rd and believing myself to be part of the community. I rang the number listed with the survey and a woman confirmed that residents in many, many of the streets north of Bridge Rd were not included in the formal leafletting, despite Bridge Rd being an important access road for us all.
I don’t know how many members looked at the survey but I’m guessing those who did would find the statement ‘inviting the community to share their views’ as confusing as I did. The survey seemed to assume you liked the cycleway and they were just wondering what you thought about ways of improving it. The only place to raise any concerns was the last question inviting further comments.
My concerns about both the safety of this cycleway and the appropriateness of its location remain.
Note: In February, the Society received a response from Transport NSW to its letter expressing concerns about the safety of the Bridge Rd cycleway. The response can be viewed here:
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