In August 2015 the Glebe Society lodged an objection to a proposal by Roads & Maritime (RMS) for the installation of a permanent electronic message sign on Parramatta Rd, near Derwent St.
Since then RMS have carried out underground utility investigation work and now propose to change the location of the sign to about 300 metres west, between Ross St and Arundel St. They also propose to install 30 metres of adjacent fencing, without providing any rationale.
The Glebe Society’s objections remain, given that this part of Parramatta Rd is a cutting, lined on the northern side with a heritage-listed, coursed, sandstone retaining wall. This beautiful wall is heritage-listed because of its group and landmark values, its townscape and cultural significance, its technical achievement and its integrity. Our concerns about this proposal are further exacerbated by the fact that this sign will be immediately adjacent to the historic Chapman Steps and immediately below the early 20th century terraces (with some wonderful Art Deco features) which sit atop the retaining wall.
The Society also believes that nearby well-established street trees may be threatened by the installation of this large sign and the proposed fencing.
The Glebe Society argues that the heritage values of the area will be compromised by the imposition of a large, permanent electronic message sign which is totally out of character with the surrounding streetscape.
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