Chapman Road - Bicentennial Park
ID Number: PLQ0328
Materials: Metal on small plinth
Dimensions: 270mm high at rear, 460mm wide x 410mm high, set in 585mm x 530mm block of sandstone, slightly angled
Materials: Metal on small plinth
Dimensions: 270mm high at rear, 460mm wide x 410mm high, set in 585mm x 530mm block of sandstone, slightly angled
An ongoing interaction between the ring sculptures and the native trees planted in 1997.
As the fig trees grow to maturity their buttressing roots will slowly dislodge each ring of stones that mark days in decades of their lifetimes.
Jennifer Turpin + Michaelie Crawford
This project has been funded by Leichhardt Municipal Council and the Australian Council for the Arts
(both logos below the words)

Posted on 8 September 2015 for Peter Robinson
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