Nelson Lane - near cricket pitch in Spindlers Park

Materials: Metal in concrete


Look up!
You may notice that the lights overhead look different from usual park lighting. In keeping
with Leichhardt Council’s commitment to creating a sustainable and liveable community,
active LED lighting has been installed here in Spindlers Park. It is all part of Leichhardt
Council becoming one of the first carbon neutral councils in Australia.

What is LED
LED stands for light emitting diode. LED lights are energy efficient,
saving money and reducing greenhouse gases. They are also
more durable and longer lasting than traditional park lighting,
meaning they require less maintenance.

What about Active Lighting
The lights in this park are active, meaning they deliver light only
when it is needed. Motion detectors ‘sense’ when the spaces are
active and automatically provide higher levels of light as required.
As you approach the area, the lights along the path ahead of you
will increase to full capacity and later automatically dim to save

A single LED bulb (drawing)


Posted on 29 September 2015 for Peter Thorogood

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