Following the recent tradition of welcoming strangers to our place at Christmas I am again appealing to the compassion and generosity of Glebe Society members in preparation for Christmas 2017. There are families and individuals who reside temporarily in Glebe while overcoming difficulties life has thrown into their paths. This year the community committee of TGSI would like to be able to take gifts for residents to Elsie Women’s refuge and to one or two other residential facilities, should there be sufficient response to do so.
As changes in occupancy occur at irregular As changes in occupancy occur at irregular intervals it is still too early to identify the age and gender of children at this time, however this information will be published in the December Bulletin and through a President’s update in December. We are also planning to have a collection box at the Glebe Society Christmas Party where members will be able to gift small new personal hygiene items for both women and men, and non-age specific children’s toys, clothes or books.
We have been asked to ensure no gifts are wrapped because they need to be checked for safety and security reasons before being distributed. The agencies will wrap them instead.
If you would like to provide a gift or two for some of these family members please contact Janice Challinor by phone, 0401 505 657, or email to indicate what age group you have in mind, or to receive a suggestion of what’s needed. I will collect gifts throughout December and deliver them on Friday 22 December.
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