Edwina Doe, Glebe Society Bulletin, March 2021
Among other jobs in retirement, I proofread documents for rpavirtual, a part of the Sydney Local Health District which includes RPA and Balmain Hospitals.
That is how I was sent the notice below, and I’m passing it on, as to my knowledge three Glebe Society members are in-patients at the moment, and many members would have been visitors and patients over the years. Nicholas would be pleased to hear from you if you are interested.
Balmain Hospital is looking for individuals to join their long-standing consumer representative group. If you, or anyone you know, might be interested, please ask them to contact Nicholas Bates, Community Participation Coordinator, Community Health, Balmain Hospital, Aged, Chronic Care and Rehabilitation Services. nicholas.bates@health.nsw.gov.au.
More info about the Community Advisory Committee
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