A very successful public meeting was held in Glebe Town Hall on 20 June. As there is no plan for the tunnel, a panel of experts focused on providing information. They covered governance, transport, geology, health and the City of Sydney’s opposition to WestConnex.
‘Stop WestConnex Glebe Forest Lodge’ has affiliated with ‘No WestConnex – Public Transport’ (http://nowpt.nationbuilder.com), the umbrella group of the Inner West groups. The group is incorporated and provides public liability coverage for all groups, events and non-violent direct action incidents. The group is supported by City of Sydney which has enabled paid administrative support. The group also works on strategies and other events.
Glebe Forest Lodge has also joined with ‘No WestConnex Annandale’, as we share common boundaries.
Several geotech drilling sites have been located to ascertain the future direction of the tunnel. There are five sites in The Crescent/Rozelle Bay area. Three have already been carried out in Arundel St Glebe. To date, nothing is known about the compulsory acquisition of private properties in Glebe and Forest Lodge. An Environmental Impact Assessment will be carried out in 2017.
The WestConnex project looms closer and closer to the villages of Glebe and Forest Lodge. Keep watch for further actions and be alert, alarmed and informed. A data base of residents exists; please email Jan Wilson if you wish to be included.
This initiative for action was organised by COGG (Coalition of Glebe Groups) working with Jamie Parker MP and the City of Sydney.
Further Information
- Roads & Maritime: WestConnex M4-M5 Link State significant infrastructure application report (January 2016): https://majorprojects.affinitylive.com/public/726566c16c9b970fe155a31fb0ab3501/20160120_WCX_M4-M5_Link_SSIA_FINAL.pdf
- SGS Economics & Planning (for City of Sydney): Review of WestConnex Business case (February 2016): http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/251891/Report-SGS-Westconnex-Business-Case-Final-Report-160204.pdf
- Minute by the Lord Mayor: ‘WestConnex Costs to Outweigh any Benefits’ (February 2016): http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/252152/160229_COUNCIL_ITEM35.pdf
- Official WestConnex website: http://www.westconnex.com.au
- Australian National Audit Office, ‘Approval and Administration of Commonwealth Funding for the WestConnex Project’ (‘the objective of this audit is to assess whether appropriate steps were taken to protect the Commonwealth’s interests and obtain value for money in respect to the $3.5 billion in Commonwealth funding committed to the NSW Government for the WestConnex project’): https://www.anao.gov.au/work/performance-audit/approval-and-administration-commonwealth-funding-westconnex-project
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