by Janet Wahlquist, Glebe Society President, March 2021, from Bulletin 1 of 2021
Glebe Island Bridge
We continue our campaign to see the Glebe Island Bridge restored. Lord Mayor Clover Moore has indicated her support for its restoration and we are to meet with the Manager of Transport Planning for the City of Sydney about the bridge. We have also been in contact with Transport for NSW who are investigating all aspects of the Bridge’s future in the hope of a meeting.
We have updated the Glebe Island Bridge Website ( and we intend to update it regularly with information about Glebe Island Bridge and progress in our campaign for restoration.
Meeting with Councillor Kerryn Phelps
Councillor Phelps attended our Christmas Party in December and requested that the Glebe Society show her sites of concern to us. Planning Convenor Ian Stephenson and I met with Councillor Phelps and a member of her staff in early January and participated in a walking tour of the two Public Housing projects in Franklyn St and Cowper/Wentworth Park Rd. Councillor Phelps was very receptive to our concerns. We also walked down to the proposed Fishmarket site where the former concrete plant was still being demolished. The concrete plant demolition shows that the Fishmarket will be built 100 per cent in or over what is now Blackwattle Bay, there is no land there. Again, Councillor Phelps indicated that she was receptive to the concerns of the Glebe Society.
Fight to save Public Housing from demolition and Glebe from High Rise Developments
The Glebe Society has agreed to join with Hands Off Glebe in the campaign to save Glebe from high-rise development and the demolition of the homes of Public Housing residents which are compliant with Glebe heritage and zoning. On 30 January, many members attended the rally opposing the development and demolition. There is more about this campaign elsewhere in the Bulletin.
Parks in Glebe and Forest Lodge
Members will be well-acquainted with the redesign and upgrading of Federal Park. After a significant delay in 2020, when the builders went out of business, the new park is taking shape and it looks like the park will offer attractive and inventive play areas for children of most ages and adults as well as seating for observers, a barbecue picnic area and a skate park.
We are spoilt in Glebe/Forest Lodge for attractive parks, large and small, and the new Federal Park illustrates what is possible. We would be interested to hear any ideas members have as to how they think their local park could be improved to meet their needs better. Write to us at
A Community Centre at Glebe Town Hall
Last year we met with Lord Mayor Clover Moore about a proposal that the Glebe Town Hall house a Community Centre which would manage the use of the Town Hall for the benefit of the Community. The Lord Mayor was encouraging of the proposal and agreed that the proposal be assessed. COVID and the closing of many of Council facilities, including the Glebe Town Hall, stalled this process. We intend to continue to campaign for a Community Centre. This being a Council election year, we hope the proposal might be viewed favourably.
We look forward to an active and positive 2021 and we welcome the involvement of members in any and all of our campaigns and activities.
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