Lyn Collingwood, Glebe Society Bulletin, March 2021

Our last mystery photo, Dec 2020 Bulletin

Madeleine Jennings identified the location as the Ferry Rd/Avon St intersection, opposite Ernest Pedersen Reserve. The photo of the house was taken in 1970.

Corner buildings usually first functioned as pubs or shops. With a large yard and stabling, no. 45 (originally no. 1) Ferry Rd was a grocery until at least 1932. Its first shopkeeper ca 1884-8 was George Dunn. During the depressed 1890s, there was a regular turnover of tenants. When Edwin Evans vacated, he put his near new Eureka stove and double-barrel shotgun up for sale, as well as his brass tea scales.


45 Ferry Rd today (photo: Lyn Collingwood)

In 1908 the entire grocery and haberdashery stock was auctioned, together with a horse and harness, scales, ice chest, marble slabs and a showcase. Roger Florence O’Sullivan moved from Queensland with his wife and young family and set up as O’Sullivan and Co. grocers. The firm had a continuous association with the Glebe site for well over two decades.

This month’s mystery photo

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