A Special Invitation To all Forgotten Australian’s Their Families & Friends and a special welcome to all Community Supporters TO ATTEND THE SYDNEY LAUNCH OF THE NATIONAL LOUD FENCE Ribbon Campaign.
In memory of victims of childhood physical mental and sexual abuse who are no longer with us, and in support of victims still struggling to survive to be held on Saturday 12th March, 2016 and thereafter for those Forgotten Australians that cannot attend on the day please go along and tie a ribbon with family and friends at:- Bidura Children’s Home 357 Glebe Point Rd., Glebe at 1.00pm and:- Roylston Boy’s Home 270 Glebe Point Rd., Glebe at 2.00pm [ Please be advised that Roylston LOUD FENCE Ribbon Campaign is for one week only]
Footnote: Please remember that this is a day of reverence, in remembrance of those we have lost and those still struggling to survive. It is not a protest so please come along, colourful ribbons will be provided, bring refreshments, plenty of water, consider a comfy fold up chair. Enjoy the fellowship.
2 comments. Please add yours.
When I walked past Bidura on Monday morning (14 March), nearly all of the ribbons had been cut down. They were left lying on the footpath. This is shocking.
Great to see so many ribbons this morning! Inspired me to join the loud fence campaign thank you to the organisers