Press release:
“I LOVE A PIANO” Tour Janet Seidel Trio – September 2012.
(Subtitle “I Love a Venue with a Piano”!)
Popular Australian singer and pianist, Janet Seidel has a new and unique Australian tour coming up starting in September. As long-time Glebe residents they'll be kicking off the tour on the 19th September at 7.30 pm at Cafe Church Cnr St John’s Rd and Colbourne Ave, Glebe. The church has a grand piano! $30 includes supper. BYO drinks.
Bookings: (unreserved seating)
Known mostly for her pristine interpretations of the great American standard songs, her song “I Like Jerseys Best”, replete with references to her Australian country SA background, was featured on ABC’s “Australia All Over” morning show, and earned inclusion as a track on the new CD Macca Australiana 100 Tracks on ABC Records.
The tour will see her trio perform at venues, large or small, country or city, as long as they have a real piano – that valuable instrument that seems to be joining the list of endangered species.
There are times when an electric keyboard just won’t do at all. (“Like dancing with a mannequin” is the way one pianist of note described it!)
In the not so distant past, musicians plied their trade in venerable community establishments, in city or country, like Town Halls, theatres or Schools of Arts.
Often with wooden interiors, suitable for purely acoustic music of any genre, and always possessing a piano, the music could be simply presented, whatever the style.
Having just returned from the best part of 2011-2012 working in the UK and Europe, Janet noticed that an even longer tradition in England seems often to be falling below par, due to the same cause – a common lack of real pianos as they seem to disappear from venues that used to maintain one.
So, as a positive show of appreciation Janet’s well travelled trio will travel far and wide to showcase the pianos kept with love, by venues with the good taste to keep them on.
Though she is happy to acknowledge the description bestowed by Penguin’s Guide to Jazz on CD (UK) as “Australia’s first lady of jazz singing”, Janet’s trio in fact presents quite a variety of the music they love, a happy circumstance, which seems to help reach new fans every time they perform.
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