Below is a letter to the SMH written by Glebe Society President, Ted McKeown. The letter was not published, but readers may be interested to see that the Society is continuing to push for the protection and adaptive re-use of the Glebe Island Bridge:


Jacob Saulwick (SMH, 7 July) noted that developers viewed the lack of public transport to White Bay as a significant drawback to its further progress.

The nearby heritage-listed Glebe Island Bridge could be adaptively re-used to accommodate light rail. The bridge, built in 1903, has been superseded as a road bridge by the towering Anzac Bridge but should still have a significant role in moving people around the City in a sustainable way. The Glebe Island Bridge could provide a conduit between White Bay and the City for light rail as well as for cyclists and pedestrians.

The Glebe Island Bridge is a valuable public asset which is currently idle. Maritime traffic to and from Rozelle and Blackwattle Bays could be accommodated with managed access, as with the Spit and Pyrmont Bridges. However, the super-yachties at Rozelle Bay, who wish to come and go as they please, may whinge.

The Glebe Island Bridge still has a vital role to play. Its owner, Roads & Maritime, should embrace the active re-use of its existing assets.

Ted McKeown

President, Glebe Society