Janet Wahlquist, President, 13 September 2021, from Bulletin 7/2021
You may be aware that there is an emerging Covid19 situation in Glebe/Forest Lodge with a number of Covid positive children and adults and many others self-isolating. Below is a link to the NSW Government site to check case numbers and immunisation levels in 2037. As at Saturday 11th September there were 51 active cases,

Glebe Youth Service (GYS) is directly involved in providing as much support as they can to families who are isolating. They are also working closely with NSW Health, City of Sydney Council and other local organisations. A number of local businesses are being approached to support the current efforts.
How you can help – NOW!
GYS would appreciate financial donations to provide food and other essential items to impacted people in our community. We will let you know if the situation changes and increased support from members is needed for collection and delivery of items and practical household support.
Below is their plea for support and advice as how you can donate. The Glebe Youth Service is registered with the ATO for tax-deductible donations.
We are asking for your help to respond to this emerging situation in our local community.
Glebe Youth Service – Covid19 Support
Glebe Youth Service (GYS) is currently supporting a number of people in Glebe who are Covid19 positive or isolating due to being close contacts.
We are providing fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs and other household staples, and cleaning and hygiene products. In addition, GYS is providing care packages that include games, colouring and activity books for kids, phone data, phone support, health information and is advocating with the NSW government agencies for good local outcomes and health care.
We are asking for your help to respond to this emerging situation in our local community.
Make a donation via our give now platform. You will receive a tax receipt directly.
If you are in a position to make a donation of $1,000 or more we encourage you to make a direct deposit to the Glebe Youth Service bank account.
Account name: Glebe Youth Service
BSB: 032-249 Account No: 411127
Please email our Finance Officer, Christina, on Christina@glebeyouth.org.au to receive a tax receipt for the amount donated.
We appreciate your support to help us to help families impacted in our Glebe/Forest Lodge community. Thank you!
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