By Andrew Wood, Convenor, Bulletin 2024/9, November
Presentation of the University of Sydney’s Grant Report
Two years ago, the City of Sydney awarded the Society an Innovation and Ideas Grant of $44,640 entitled Glebe’s Hill – unravelling its biodiversity secrets and potential. The research work was undertaken by Professor Dieter Hochuli, leader of the University of Sydney’s Integrative Ecology Group, and the Report will be presented to the Lord Mayor (or her representative) and the President of the Society at Glebe Town Hall at 6 pm on Friday 29 November.
All members and their friends are invited to the presentation, followed by a celebratory glass of sparkling wine.
There is no charge for the event, as it is supported by the City’s grant, but booking is required. For catering purposes, please register to attend by Monday 25 November.
When: 6 pm, Friday 29 November
Where: Glebe Town Hall, St Johns Road
Bookings: Through Eventbrite
The 2024 Spring Bird Survey
Judy Christie will lead the Society’s 11th Spring Bird Survey on Sunday 3 November, commencing from Paddy Gray Reserve in Hereford Street at 6:45 am. It’s not too late to contact Judy if you would like to help (0437 693 372).
When: 6:45am Sunday 3 November
Where: Paddy Gray Reserve, Hereford Street
A raptor sighted on Glebe’s Hill

At 10.30 am on the morning of 23 September, Judy Christie noticed quite a bit of bird noise around Glebe’s Hill. Then 10 or more Noisy Miners flew up – only to be followed by a Goshawk/Sparrowhawk – most likely a Brown Goshawk, which has been seen there before. They often hang around the same place for a few days, so listen out for lots of bird noise if you are in the area. It is usually a sign of a raptor around. I don’t know whether the Goshawk made any dint in the location population of Noisy Miners – or Common Mynas.
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