Bernard Smith was one of the founders of The Glebe Society in 1969. He and his wife Kate were responsible for the definitive book on Glebe heritage – “The Architectural Character of Glebe”. He was an eminent art historian, writer, professor of fine arts at the University of Sydney, and a beloved member of the Glebe Society.

The University of Sydney and University of Melbourne are collaborating to present a commemorative symposium over four days exploring Bernard’s achievements in many fields.  This will honour Bernard as a scholar and art historian.  The Sydney program will occur on November 9-10.

The organisers of the Symposium have invited the Glebe Society to be partners in a celebration of Bernard as an activist with deep concerns for his community. To this end, Max Solling will give a short paper on Bernard’s activism and role in saving Glebe from the freeways and this will be followed by a ‘wake’ and an opportunity to share memories of Bernard and Kate . 

The Society extends a warm invitation especially to members who knew Bernard during his time in Glebe up to 1977.

Date:  Friday 9th November 2012, from 6.30 p.m.

Venue:   The upstairs Tate Gallery at the  Toxteth Hotel, 345 Glebe Point Road, Glebe

Cost:  $25, includes finger food and refreshments.  Bookings are essential.  Book online here, or send a cheque payable to The Glebe Society, to PO Box 100, Glebe 2037.  Enquiries to Jeanette Knox on 9660-7781.