By Virginia Simpson-Young, Glebe Society Bulletin, December 2020

This matter has not been satisfactorily resolved; the cycleway remains dangerous and neither the City nor the State Government has explained how and when the problems will be addressed.

On 30 November, we wrote to Lord Mayor Clover Moore1 and to Andrew Constance, Minister for Transport and Roads2.  In her letter, Glebe Society President, Janet Wahlquist, outlined some of the Society’s safety concerns including the many spots where the cycleway ends suddenly with no indication or advice as to where the cyclist is to go. There are also spots where there is extremely poor visibility for cars turning from side streets. We also pointed out that local residents need access to essential services such as health care, Meals on Wheels and disability service provision.

We asked that City of Sydney and the NSW government provide a detailed response to the safety audit commissioned by local residents. We made it clear that we would like a detailed response at the level of each specific finding in the report, not a generalised overview.

Further, we asked for more information about the post-construction safety audit – when will it be completed and will it be made available to the Glebe Society and/or local residents.

To date, we have not received responses.

  1. Letter to Lord Mayor Clover Moore, 30 Nov 2020
  2. Letter to NSW Transport Minister, 30 Nov 2020



Scene of an accident in which a cyclist was hit by a turning vehicle at Gottenham St (photographer’s name withheld)